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Warren Haynes Band - Montreal, Toronto, Fredericton


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I think you are confusing Gov't Mule for the Warren Haynes Band, something fairly different, that I have not seen but I have heard described as "Gov't Mule Light" or "Gov't Mule for women". I still haven't heard any of the record or seen them live but my brother has seen the Warren Haynes Band live several times and suggests they're not very much like Gov't Mule at all. Think mellow Warren Haynes crooning over R&B, soul sounding stuff with of course, his electric guitar.

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You're right, I just realized my mistake. I got it from the Mule mailing list and didn't think. I'll change the subject line.

I saw them on a recent webcast, can't remember the festival. Anyway, they were really good. I'm definitely still in.

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