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peanut butter and jelly


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HA - my dad complained about pb&j for lunch to his mom as a kid - she was peeved, understandably, raising 8 kids and one's too good for pb&j every day.

know what she did? no, i don't think you do....

she made him a pb&p the next day - that's peanut butter and pickle - thinkin that'd make him happy to go back to the jam. nope, not my dad - he's been a peanut butter and pickle eater ever since [big Grin]

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Back in grade four my mom once made me a ham sandwich for my lunchbox. I came home quite upset, and I implored her to please make me pb&j from now on and forever like she'd been doing the last four years. She did, and I was happy. Still one of my faves, and I still eat 'em every single day. Yum.

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my point wasnt really that my wife keeps making me peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. I guess it would be hard to see my point by the little that I wrote.

Wether she makes my lunch or I do is really besides the point. The point is, I'm getting sick OF THESE FUKIN PEANUTBUTTER AND JELLY SANDWICHES...


Point being, if I made the lunch it would still be pb$j..reason being, thats all we can afford for lunches...sad but true..

So, wasnt really getting on my girl for the weak lunch, was just voicing my frustration with this concocktion called pb$j.

And for the record, she made my lunch cause I made the kids..so HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!

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