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What the Hell?


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Why does nothing I download work anymore? No matter how I download music I cannot extract it without the file(s) corrupting. Both Internet Archeive (ZIP, SHN) and "bt.etree.org" and "Sharin in da Groove" bit torrents (FLAC)give "CRC MISMATCH" type errors when extracting....I have no idea whats going on, I've tryed dozens of differnet downloaded shows and they all corrupt. This problem makes no sense to me, please help.

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Guest Low Roller

That's nasty dude.

Try this:

1- Uninstall all your SHN and FLAC software.

2- Reinstall it

-> This will clean up virus' that decided to fuck with your tools.

3- If you have XP do Alt+Ctrl+Del and check the processes to see if you have any spyware running on your computer (i.e. processes you don't recoginze that shouldn't really be running in the first place.)

4- Download AdAware. Give your computer an enema with Adaware (it gets rid of all the shit on your system).

5- Defrag your hard drive.

My computer has decided to randomly reboot, any suggestions?

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Try this:

1- Uninstall all your SHN and FLAC software.

2- Reinstall it

-> This will clean up virus' that decided to fuck with your tools.

That may help with a software error, but certainly wont delete any virus that is associated with the program.

The virus can be affecting the program, but it will be running from a different place. To get rid of the virus, obviously run an uptodate virus program.

A software corruption is possible but unlikely. If it was the software, you'd have heard it happen to other people...i've never heard of mkw or whatever flac program your running causing invalid decompression.

More likely is you have a defraged hard drive, and the files aren't getting written to the hard drive properly.

Of course, a virus can easily be screwing with the extraction programs or the music files themselves.

Once again, software problem is unlikely, because more than one software failed at once...what are the chances of two programs corrupting at the same time, other than for virus?

If you've ran an up to date virus check, and defraged the hard drive being written on, and still are having extraction corruption, then post back...

are you behind a router? are you using XP or 98?

your problem almost intrigues me (i'm a nerd, i know) ...

Keep us updated.

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Originally posted by jon:

hey steve -

what FLAC program are you using?

with NERO i always seem to get long (2sec) gaps between songs?

any help?

Is the 2-sec gap happening when you burn to CD? IIRC, in Nero, you have to select every song except the first one to burn, and specify that you want no gap between them. I use the CD burning s/w that came with my computer, and it allows me to say I want the disk burned "DAO" (disk at once, with no gaps), as opposed to "TAO" (track at once, wtih a gap between each song).



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Download and run:

Ad Aware

and then:

Spybot Search & Destroy

and then:

Install / Update Anti-Virus Software

Oh, and I agree:

Run a full defrag - If you can get you hands on a better defragmentation tool, like DiskKeeper or something, use that.

After you finish all this, it may be time to re-install any apps that are still giving you problems.

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OK - tried everything suggested, defrag, un/reinstall of progs, still giving errors. for example several .flac files of a show will give this error during extraction:


flac 1.1.0, Copyright © 2000,2001,2002,2003 Josh Coalson

flac comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software, and you are

welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. Type `flac' for details.

kwCrazyFingersd1t01.flac: 50% completekwCrazyFingersd1t01.flac: *** Got error co


kwCrazyFingersd1t01.flac: ERROR while decoding data



*using FLAC frontend 1.7.1

The error i get when extracting .zip files using Winzip 9.0 is something along the same lines

"this volume labeled 4xq2we4jj6 should be labeled 2n65huckc5nh6. CRC error, do you wish to delete this file?"


Now I guess all i can do is format the whole fuggin thing and re-partition

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Just tired unzipping a show on the new defragged drive....same problem

"Some data in your zip file is damaged. The crc is 7735b4ad but should be 614b2c53"

IN a show with 30 files (FLACs)on average about 9 of them give this error. I'm trying to download multiple different fomats right now....will keep you posted.

yup, virus scan was clean

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Originally posted by secondtube:

but yes, you have to individually remove the between track mess before you burn using nero.

What nero program is that? I use nero express w/ InCD 3.39.0 and all I have to do is click a button once to remove the gaps.Takes about a half second to click and goes to the burn stage.

Not that it matters I am just curious,once I get a new tape deck and my turntable fixed I will be using adeptec for the transition between tracks option,but adeptec seems to get more coasters here then withthe nero program I have.

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