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Moving to LondonTown


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Good moving vibes to you Super Freak!!!

London's a good city. One peice of advice never take a job at Windermere Manor!

Here's someplaces to check out for jobs:

*Felini Koolini's on Albert Steet (always big christmas dinners) -- great restaurant

* Take a hike up and down Richmond street - lots of bars and restaurants

Good Luck! [smile]

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hey super freak, welcome to ole london towne....what brings you here? if i come across anything, work-wise, i'll let ya know....

drop me a line sometime if you wanna grab a beer or chill or whatever....scottography@hotmail.com....

good vibes being sent....my last move in this city went down as the worst move of all time...

best of luck...



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Originally posted by meggo:

hey supa!

i just moved here in sept and it's been okay. most of the time i'm too busy to get bored. good to have another lady around! give me a call or email and we can get together sometime over the holidays, 858-0202 + meggo67@hotmail.com

welcome sista!

Lady? You don't know her eh!!!![big Grin][Wink][Razz]

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I'm making the big move from Dragsville, better known to some as Browntown, to London this weekend. I'm in need of some good vibes to help with the stress of moving. My favourite part of this move is I'm switching to cable from dailup as of Dec 2nd-I'm so easily amused...haha. Wish me luck y'all!!! Also, any Londoners know if anyone is hiring Xmas staff?? I'm a pretty experienced waitress and bartender, and I don't care if it's only for xmas(they can let me go after the busy season with no hard feelings) Post if you have any leads.

Woo hoo!!!

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Well I'm glad to see another great character moving to londontown. you'll have to stop in to stoneheng lounge to drink your face off now and then.

good deals on jager and hopefully great tunes as long as that dickhead booker doesn't slack off.

wait. that's me. wtf! anyhow, it'l be nice to have another lady around, even though some think you're no lady. you COULD prove you've got all the necessary equipment...but just remember...have a backup plan. i could go buy goalie pads, a mask, and a stick, but i wouldn't be a hockey player by any stretch of the imagination.

drop me a line sometime if you want to say hi.

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Originally posted by Canned Beats:

Well I'm glad to see another great character moving to londontown. you'll have to stop in to stoneheng lounge to drink your face off now and then.

good deals on jager and hopefully great tunes as long as that dickhead booker doesn't slack off.

wait. that's me. wtf! anyhow, it'l be nice to have another lady around, even though some think you're no lady. you COULD prove you've got all the necessary equipment...but just remember...have a backup plan. i could go buy goalie pads, a mask, and a stick, but i wouldn't be a hockey player by any stretch of the imagination.

drop me a line sometime if you want to say hi.

damn......shes a lady

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