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Ottawa, nero, NYE Thanks!!!

Northern Wish

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To the entire Ottawa crew from New Years:

Since I don't have email addresses or phone numbers for everyone individually.............

This is an open thanks, what's up, hell yeah, happy new years, and see ya'll soon letter to everyone who made it out to Nero for the eve of the New Year.

I should preface this by saying this was my very first time in Ottawa, after hearing years of hearsay regarding the giver attitude of the residents of our nations capital. New Years Eve only served to cement that reputation, and entice more people to travel to your hollow to be entertained.

The fact that nero chose to play a smaller place with familiar faces for this special event was the primary reason we decided to make the 1000 km trek from Fredericton (that and missing the Help>Slip>Franklins last year). To our boys for deciding to give something back to the fans- cheers.

The list of individuals who ensured that this New Year will be remembered (though not completely, or by some at all) is long and involved, but there are a few I would like to center out:

Sharon/ Ms Huxtable- you rule sweetheart! To arrive in Ottawa and find that the red carpet had been rolled out was wonderful. The suite was unreal, and we certainly made the best of it with a little pre party, and some serious horizontal lazing on 1/1. I had pledged to buy you and Bouche beer all night, but the bank machine ghouls played havoc with my plan. At the next show I promise!

Jaybone/ Stapes (and whomever else lives at 40 Main)- a full fledged devil sign, Hell Yeah! to all of you. That was an awesome party, for everyone to head to and continue to rage. I'm sure it cost some money and time, as well as a long cleanup- but it was much appreciated by all.

Dave and Lara- best wishes and happy days ahead for both of you. That was a great piece of news to share with everyone for the event. May Love Reign O'er You for the rest of time.

The Sloth- making cd's for the whole crowd!?@?! Freakin nice touch buddy. I mean what better treat than a nero live sampler (well I could think of a couple- but those would be gone by morning). Our American friends were blown away that you did this.

Velvet- well we just like you ok? Your enthusiasm on taking the stage was felt deeply and you certainly rocked things out appropriately. I always love it wherever I may be, when infact The Boys are Back in Town.

Giggles/ Bouche/ Booche/ tungsten and D/ scottieking and Diane/ Davey Boy/ POG/ Booche/ Asparagus/ Delhead + Alexis/ KitKat/ Mary/ The Young Sisters/ Scottie and Lisa King/ vermontdave/ Kristina/ Kyla/ and everyone else I am forgetting right now- it was just killer to spend some more time with all of you. Your love of life, friends and all things nero is an inspiration.

To Benny/ Cristi and Dave for making the trek from the states to check out our scene, ignoring the fact that we all live in igloos, and exist solely on maple syrup, peameal bacon and beer.

And most importantly to Pablo, the Punk and gentlemonkey: killer show, lots of surprises and even a Moby! The community that you have spawned is truly remarkable, and you deserve every bit of joy and satisfaction that comes from it. I love a good band, and will always support them when I can- but to know that you are great people who appreciate it all, just makes the traveling, unaccounted for late night spending sprees, lost sleep and reduced hearing so worth it.

Ottawa is my new favorite place.

Thanks to all of you.........

Peace and Love in 2004,


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