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and I will be done


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For those of you who remember my bitching about ottawa u the other day, here's the update. I ended up threatening the health science department. I told them I would take my story and the story of a fallen university to the local media. I kinda figured this would backfire on me and they wouldn't do anything, but they responded to the threat. I went online this monring and noticed that i am now registered in the class I needed. I checked my university email and there was a letter of apology from the assistant dean explaining that they will do anything else they can to help me. I can't believe it, now all I have to do is pass these classes and I'm done.

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This is today's entry in the "Go Big Or Go Home" / "What Have I Got To Lose?" category...and a winning entra taboottaboot.

Nicely done, Monkey of Rabidity. Of course, if you flunk (perish the thought!), it will be seen as a shining example of karma coming and biting you in the ass...(I'm imagining some kind of "Twilight Zone" episode where a student tries desparately to get into that one last class he needs to graduate, only to end up not being able to pass, and having to take it over and over and over...)



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Trust me brad, my attempt at an education has taken enough chunks out of my ass. I desesrved to have something at that school go my way. It's not a very hard class so I should be able to pass with flying colours (the class is a statistics course in the leisure studies faculty) I can't wait to finish, it feels like most of my life has been spent at Ottawa U.

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That's great RM. I'm glad they didn't call your bluff [Wink]

That's a very powerful stance to take though, because I'm sure if you wrote in detail what you have been going through, to the editor of the Sun, the story would have definately been followed up. It sounds like a goldmine for a reporter.

Perhaps you should do it anyway? heheheh

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Guest Low Roller

Atta boy! Stick it to the man. The last thing Ottawa U needs is bad publicity right now because they are so deep in debt due to all the new buildings.

It's unfortunate that it had to come down to you threatning the university, but sometimes blackmail is the only resort.

"Canada's University", pffffff. It's the place to be if you're the son or daughter of a diplomat though.

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