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Whoa. Great White fiasco


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I had news radio on all day at work and the death toll just kept rising. It sounds like a combination of pyrotechnics in a small roadhouse, flammable sound-proofing foam in the walls and ceiling, and panic combined to create this tragedy. [Frown]


From what i read, this place had a capacity of three hundred. Now that's the size of the Comfort Zone roughly, for you Toronto people.

With a hundred confirmed dead more than fifty in serious and critical condition and with more debris to search...Even one of the band appears to be in the victims.

That's more than 1 in 2 being killed or near killed. Can anyone imagine what this was fucking like! I get sick just thinking about it. What the fuck was going on?! The main killer in a fire is usually the smoke, but reports are that flame killed most of the victims. There is definately more here than meets the eye.

What a terrible disgusting tragedy. So much suffering.


Terrible, sickening tragedy. As bad as this sounds, I'm surprised that this type of tragedy doesn't happen more often. I've been to over-crowded bars and clubs where there is only one exit door. I'm going to keep my head up from now on when I go into new bars and clubs when checking out bands.

The bi-product of this tragedy will be the 100-plus lawsuits sanctioned by families of the deceased vs Great White, Great White vs the club owners, the club owners vs Great White etc...

Guest Low Roller

What the hell were Great White thinking with all the crazy 80's arena rock pyrotechnics inside a small club? Imagine the Comfort Zone or Babylon playing with that kind of fire!! Permission or no permission, IT'S FUCKING COMMON SENSE!


Common fucking sense is right!

This kind of ignorence amazes me.

Apparently after a night manager informed them pyrotechnics are not permitted the tour manager replied "Well you know it makes the show more entertaining."

So, unfortunately because your band isn't entertaining enough on their own you need to bring in completely unsafe(for this particular establishment) "entertainment".

That's pathetic. And where was the bar staff/owners/managers at the time flames were rising to the ceiling? Capacity of 300...that means they had at least 5 employees there, at least. I know this happened fast but I just can't stop thinking that someone had to have noticed sooner!!!

And if the club actually asked them not to use fire, how the hell did they not notice it being set up? I guess there's lots of ways to try and justify who was in the wrong. Bottom line is over 95 people died and it shouldn't have happened. Definitely food for thought for all club owners and musicians but mostly for music lovers and show go-ers...CHECK FOR EXITS!


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