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Arrogant Worms


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They hosted a comedy night at UPEI that I went to 9-10 years ago...I was greatly amused, they were a lot of fun. I was also amused because I won $50 for second prize in the contest doing my Scott Thompson-Buddy Cole impersonation and spent the entire wad on Labatt Maximum Ice. No wonder I only lasted 2 years at school!!!

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Any wormies fans out here in jam band land? Just curious. I went to see them last night...yes its more like a guilty pleasure I suppose, they're cheesey and I know it...but its alllllso why I love them!

For those interested in checking them out they are a Canadian folk comedy trio, really cute witty funny lyrics and very pro-Canada. They may come to a folk festival near you this summer, or something like that. I reccomend checking them out.

If you want to go further and buy an album - I suggest 'Dirt'. Enjoy! [big Grin]

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I've seen them a whole whack of times, but not recently. The last show I saw was probably 6 years ago. They are hilarious and quite talented.

"Carrot juice is murder"

Listen up brothers and sisters,

come hear my desperate tale

I speak of our friends of nature,

trapped in the dirt like a jail

Vegetables live in oppresion,

served on our tables each night

The killing of veggies is madness,

I say we take up the fight

Salads are only for murderers,

cole slaw's a fascist regime

Don't think that they don't have feelings,

just cuz a radish can't scream


I've heard the screams of the vegetables

(scream scream scream)

Watching their skins being peeled

(Having their insides revealed)

Grated and steamed with no mercy

(burning off calories)

How do you think that feels

(bet it hurts really bad)

Carrot Juice constitutes murder

(and that's a real crime)

Greenhouses prisons for slaves

(let my vegetables grow)

It's time to stop all this gardening

(it's as dirty as hell)

Let's call a spade a spade

(is a spade is a spade...)

I saw a man eating celery,

so I beat him black and blue

If he ever touches a sprout again,

I'll bite him clean in two

I'm a political prisoner

trapped in a windowless cage

Cuz I stopped the slaughter of turnips

by killing five men in a rage

I told the judge when he sentenced me,

this is my finest hour

I'd kill those farmers again

just to save one more cauliflower


How low as people do we dare to stoop

Making young broccoli's bleed in the soup

Untie your beans, uncage your tomatoes,

let potted plants free

Don't mash that potato

I've heard the screams of the vegetables

(scream scream scream)

Watching their skins being peeled

(fates in the stir fry are sealed)

Grated and steamed with no mercy

(you fat gourmet slob)

How do you think that feels

(leave them out in the fields)

Carrot Juice constitutes murder

(V8's genocide)

Greenhouses prisons for slaves

(yes your compost's a grave)

It's time to stop all this gardening

(take up macramé_)

Let's call a spade a spade

(is a spade is a spade...)

Power to the peas

Give peas a chance

All we are saying is give peas a chance

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Originally posted by peipunk:

C'mon, bradm, "cute/zany" is how I descibe you to people who haven't met you yet!
[Razz][Razz][Razz][big Grin]

Yeah, but while I may be that way (to your perception, anyway, and no, other people's opinions are not being solicited, here), you've never seen me on stage*, where I'm all business.



* Modulo a short stint with the Porn-Funk All-Stars...

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I've seen the Worms a couple of times, and, while they write great songs (e.g., the Carrot one that Phred quoted), their stage show bugs me: it seems as if it's geared to children more than adults. They laugh too much, laugh at themselves too much, engage in too much stage-play, and encourage the audience to participate in much the same way a children's entertainer would. If they would cut out half of the "cute/zany" stuff and replace it with more well-written songs, I'd be interested in seeing them much more than I am now.



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