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Ottawa arts funding cut, and what you can do


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Don't know if any of you heard that the arts funding in Ottawa are being severely cut, but this is gonna have a big impact on what was turning into a opretty damn cool arts town. As I understand it, all festival funding will be cut (including Bluesfest and Jazzfest), and well, everythings being raped. So, here is a form letter you can send to your representative, and a list of the Ottawa reps. Click away and save the city.

February 2004

Name of Councillor



Dear Name of Councillor:

As your constituent and a voter, I am writing to express my outrage at the 80% - 100% cuts to arts funding proposed in the City of Ottawa’s 2004 draft budget.

Arts funding is not a “handout” but an investment in the city’s health and future: $3.4 million in the arts budget generates $35 million of direct spending by arts organizations here in Ottawa (one dollar generates ten). Ticket sales to arts events generate over three times their value in additional spending (restaurants, accommodations, suppliers and other services). Why would you eliminate an investment that generates such great returns?

Even at 2003 levels, the City of Ottawa provides only the bare minimum of investment in arts, heritage and festivals: $3.89 per capita here as opposed to $5.26 in Toronto, $6.56 in Calgary, $11.32 in Montreal and $11.64 in Vancouver – dead last amongst major Canadian cities in support of the arts. Why would you want (by cutting Ottawa’s per capita cultural investment to 57 cents) to ensure that you and your fellow councillors are a laughing-stock across the country?

In those cities where municipal investment in the arts is higher, other levels of government also make higher investments (and Ottawa’s arts organizations currently attract lower federal/ provincial investments than their peers across Canada). Why would you deny Ottawa’s artists their ability to bring better levels of government investment to the benefit of our city?

And why would you allow the city staff who prepared this draft budget to attack the arts disproportionately? Arts, heritage and festivals take up 2% of the People Services department’s net budget (and less than 0.5% of the city’s entire program budget), but the 80% - 100% proposed cut to the cultural sector is 36.4 % of the cuts to People Services.

When businesses or tourists ask, what makes a certain city a great place to live, invest in or visit, vibrant cultural activities are at the top of the list. Hadn’t you noticed?

I don’t want my Ottawa to be devastated by these funding cuts to the arts. You must vote to reinstate arts funding completely, because it’s already way below what is acceptable across Canada. Ottawa’s cultural sector has never had adequate city investment.

As your constituent and a voter, I will hold you accountable at the next election for the way you vote on arts funding in the City of Ottawa’s 2004 budget.




Mayor Bob Chiarelli, (613) 580-2496, Bob.Chiarelli@ottawa.ca

Councillor Herb Kreling

Ward 1 - Orléans

(613) 580-2471


Councillor Rainer Bloess

Ward 2 - Innes

(613) 580-2472


Councillor Jan Harder

Ward 3 - Bell-South Nepean

(613) 580-2473


Councillor Peggy Feltmate

Ward 4 - Kanata

(613) 580-2474


Councillor Eli El-Chantiry

Ward 5 - West Carleton

(613) 580-2475


Councillor Janet Stavinga

Ward 6 - Goulbourn

(613) 580-2476


Councillor Alex Cullen

Ward 7 - Bay

(613) 580-2477


Councillor Rick Chiarelli

Ward 8 - Baseline

(613) 580-2478


Councillor Gord Hunter

Ward 9 - Knoxdale-Merivale

(613) 580-2479


Councillor Diane Deans

Ward 10 - Gloucester-Southgate

(613) 580-2480


Councillor Michel Bellemare

Ward 11 - Beacon Hill-Cyrville

(613) 580-2481


Councillor Georges Bédard

Ward 12 - Rideau-Vanier

(613) 580-2482


Councillor Jacques Legendre

Ward 13 - Rideau-Rockcliffe

(613) 580-2483


Councillor Diane Holmes

Ward 14 - Somerset

(613) 580-2484


Councillor Shawn Little

Ward 15 - Kitchissippi

(613) 580-2485


Councillor Maria McRae

Ward 16 - River

(613) 580-2486


Councillor Clive Doucet

Ward 17 - Capital

(613) 580-2487


Councillor Peter Hume

Ward 18 - Alta Vista

(613) 580-2488


Councillor Rob Jellett

Ward 19 - Cumberland

(613) 580-2489


Councillor Doug Thompson

Ward 20 - Osgoode

(613) 580-2490


Councillor Glenn Brooks

Ward 21 - Rideau

(613) 580-2491


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....to be most effective, send hard copies, and perhaps instead of "Sincerely" put "I eagerly await your response"...

Emails are WAY too easy to just delete, faxes almost as close...

Ottawa City Hall

110 Laurier Avenue West

Ottawa, Ontario

K1P 1J1

...mind you I guess you could do both just to bog 'em down = give them the message...

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Response from councillor diane holmes:

Thank you for your comments on the proposed cuts to arts and cultural funding. I concur with your position and will be working to maintain these programs and services during the up-coming budget deliberations. I have heard from many individuals such as yourself who recognize the importance of maintaining arts funding.

I would encourage you to pass along your comments to the Mayor and all Members of Council on this important issue. In addition, you may be interested in attending the Health, Recreation and Social Services Committee next week to address members of the committee on the importance of maintaining these programs and services. You can make arrangements to speak to the committee by contacting the committee assistant, Rosemary Nelson, at 580-2424 Ext. 21624.

Once again, thank you for taking the time to pass along your comments to my office.


Councillor Diane Holmes

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just got this from the mayor. Looks better than nothing.

March 8, 2004

Dear Constituent,

Many of you have shared your views on the proposed 2004 Budget. Some have

been from the perspective of what's best for you, some from the perspective

of what's best for the community. Many see a modest tax increase as

desirable and needed. Many believe in a tax freeze at any cost. There are

strong views on all sides.

I, as Mayor, respect both the strong participation and the divergent views.

But this is a defining budget for our community as we wrestle with cutting

$101.5 million from the corporation. I'm proud of our record of freezing

taxes over the last ten years. It's the best municipal tax record in Canada.

I've always believed that competitive taxes are an important component of

any successful economy and community.

As proud as I am of my record on taxes, I'm equally proud of the quality of

life in our community. Finding the right balance between keeping taxes at

the lowest level possible and maintaining a quality of life at the highest

level possible is always a difficult challenge.

Over the past number of weeks and months, I've had many discussions with

Councillors and thousands of residents throughout our city. As is the norm,

I understand there have been ongoing discussions amongst all members of

council as to whether a tax increase is required.

I have struggled with trying to find the right balance to do what's best for

the ongoing financial sustainability of the corporation and, ultimately,

what's best for our residents. This should be part of a long-term plan to

maintain the financial and economic health of our community. That's also why

at the same time I've been pushing the other levels of government on the

need for a "New Deal" for cities for cities and demanding that the Province

fix the broken property tax/assessment system.

As we proceed with public consultations, I want to share with you my intent

to maintain our competitive position. As Mayor, I believe that the right

balance is to support $76.5 million in administrative and service cuts and

to protect $25 million worth of essential services.

I believe this 3% per cent inflation related tax increase to our residents

is the most responsible approach to the 2004 Budget. I don't underestimate

the enormous challenge that cuts of this magnitude will present and the

impact this will have on jobs in the corporation and services to the public.

I continue to challenge City Council and the public to help me to determine

what the make-up of that 3% envelope should be, as well as to continue

finding efficiencies within the corporation.

As we move forward, and in keeping with our best traditions, I would

encourage a responsible and respectful debate as we all strive to keep

Ottawa the best city in Canada.

I have attached some information that I believe will help the context of the

ongoing debate.


Bob Chiarelli


City of Ottawa

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