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Brian Griffith last night...


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T'was a great show. Brian is a really gifted guitarist and his band has come along way since I've last seen'em.

Great cissy strut to open the show then some Santana, Stevie Wonder, Marley and some catchy Areatha Franklin tunes. 33hess is defienitly a great place to be on a sunday night such as last.

urgh... Im going back to bed to sleep off this nasty hangover.

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Originally posted by piegin:

T'was a great show. Brian is a really gifted guitarist and his band has come along way since I've last seen'em.

You should really get out more then.

Since before long Brian appeared on Willie Nelson's album Teatro he has been tearing up the rooms in the village.

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Originally posted by secondtube:

BG is such a gifted guitarist...

wish he'd quit the crappy bar covers he's doing, go back into the studio, write some quality music...and release an album, either solo, or with a band.

we dont need to hear any more Marley covers....

musicians, if you had real, serious talent, something strong enough to make it with Willy Nelson, would u be satisfied with playing generic covers at a bar, during regular nightly gigs?

I went to see Brian 4 or 5 nights a week for almost 3 years because every time he plays a song he plays it differently... fascinating, never seen such a creative player... I think you need to open your eyes a little more to whats really going on there tube... guy's a master craftsman spinning his talent every week just down the street from you, though he could be playing in any studio or club on the planet... he's humble and unconcerned with big crowds or publicity... used to play in the eaton center for people shopping but would stop and give you your money back if you tried to give him any... as he says when we talk about it "I just love to play my guitar"

glad to hear you had a good night piegin

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[Mad][Mad]WARNING: major vibekill below!!!![Mad][Mad]

I defintely think the Hamilton music scene needs a fresh influx of gigging musicians in the Village area.

Last time I saw BG was at Ivory's on a Saturday night and it was beyond awful. I mean, it was downright terrible. Holding-my-head-in-my-hands terrible. It was absolutely depressing and I haven't even considered spending another evening down there again.

Nice guy? Oh you bet he is! He's always been ridiculously nice to me just of sheer recognition, I don't really know him. Talented? YES! - perhaps the most talented musician I've ever had the pleasure of experiencing in such a small, casual setting - but now, it's like, big deal. If he did something remotely interesting or didn't surround himself with the same old tired gang (apologies to the talented and lovely Ms Musgrave) all the time I might get off my fat ass to go see him play.

Nevermind all the burnt out cokeheads and middle-aged boozehounds that seem to make up the Hess Village clientele outside of the student season. That's all I seem to experience when I venture into the Village wasteland.

sorry, piegin, I know you had a wonderful night and maybe I just keeping catching him on "off" nights. It's just I have a different perspective. I'll evbentually check it all out again and hopefully it'll be better. It's just that night at Ivory's bummed me out bad for days afterwards, it was that depressing.

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ya, sunday nights are way better evenings MarcO... Craig and Colin Lapsley, Joel Gunther, Sharon Musgrave and her brother, Jessie O'Brien and Brian G is a much stronger gathering... at Ivory's not much of the crowd is there to hear the band which and that reflects through the band... different style of music as well... the Lapsley brothers have been a good influx into the sunday night phenomenon

this past saturday night at the casbah (Pisces Party rocked!) was an epic Brian Griffith night... for sure Brian would have torn it up last night

no vibe kill at all MarcO, people say the sky isn't blue but I know its only grey sometimes

on a side note, I have to admit the village needs some new music, though Briscoe seems to be doing a good job on the weekends

I want to see more MarcO shows! (seriously)

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Well, I've gotta go with MarcO and secondtube.

Brian Griffith is indeed one of the most talented players out there, and a real nice guy to boot. Like MarcO's case, Brian has always been very nice to me for no other reason than that he's seen me around the Village and environs for years. He also tells great stories about some of the musicians that he has seen or played with over the years (he's much older than he looks).


As many of you know, I just returned from Asia, where I lived for more than a year. Upon returning to Hamilton, I find that the Sunday night 33 Hess band is playing exactly the same tunes that they were a year ago, back when they were playing the Mermaid Lounge. Nothing has changed except that the band seems to care less about what they're doing. Every week is exactly the same. And the crowd? Boozehounds and dope-fiends, indeed. Rather slimy, really.

Not a place that I would spend my Sunday nights... not when I could be at home watching Trailer Park Boys or listening to Little Steven's Underground Garage.

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Originally posted by hamilton:

And the crowd? Boozehounds and dope-fiends, indeed. Rather slimy, really.

Yeah..never see those anywhere else then at 33 Hess or Ivorys I guess.

I'd rather be around "boozehounds & dope fiends" then a bunch of unappreciative students who cannot handle their booze,want to fight and treat every women around them like shit.

But then again being within this community we are in I guess we never see any of those eh?

Who would have thought "dope fiends" hang around at Grateful Dead or Phish shows. [Eek!]

Oh wait...I somtimes "supply" recreationals to my friends...you'd be surprised who are the dope fiends.

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Originally posted by MarcO:

Greg - what in the hell are you talking about?

Re-read what has been said and you'll see.


Originally posted by MarcO:

Nevermind all the burnt out cokeheads and middle-aged boozehounds that seem to make up the Hess Village clientele outside of the student season. That's all I seem to experience when I venture into the Village wasteland.

Only difference my friend is the age of the crowd from where we hang compared to the village.

I'm not going to name names..but I know who are the dope fiends ya know..I get the calls at all hours of the night.You'd be surprised how many times I'm asked "please don't tell anyone/my boyfriend/girlfriend etc I am doing this".

Our scene is not any better then that scene my friend...just the age of the people attending is the difference.

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Originally posted by piegin:

33hess is defienitly a great place to be on
a sunday night such as last.

like any bar, 33 Hess has its greater nights and its lesser nights, better crowds and not as fun crowds (shoulda seen me last week there, far too messy for a public appearance actually)

if you see a few shows you'll note Joel is singin some new songs as is Colin, and Jesse

Sharon tends to sing the same stuff as she's pretty busy with her own writing and shows, she busted out some neat stuff Saturday night though

suppose beauty is in the eye of the beholder

think we need to send Hamilton back to asia for another year of karaoke [Wink]

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Originally posted by MarcO:

Better the devil you know, Esau.....

Thats a cop-out.

So basically your saying,since its part of your scene its ok,but if its not makes it a bad thing?

I know people in both scenes.

I am part of both scenes.

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I have no problem whatsoever with drugs. Or with booze.

My immediate problem with 33 Hess is that it's not fun. Too many people there seem a little too edgy, and I think we can all guess why. And that doesn't really make for the best atmosphere in which to enjoy oneself.

As for the Hamilton music scene in general, it is far too inbred and stagnant**. Sure, there's alot of music being played, but it's all the same people, doing the same things, all the time. I was kind of excited about coming back to Canada and being able to see live music any night of the week, only to be let down by the complete and utter lack of development. And I'm not just talking about the past year - before I went to Korea I lived in London for three years - as a result, pretty much the only shows I saw in Hamilton were on the weekends, and not local acts. So when I complain that nothing has changed, I'm saying that nothing has really changed for about four years. Bah Humbug.

**note: not to be applied to Pepperjacks, or the Underground, or any other club which is bringing in out-of-towners. I'm pretty much referring strictly to Hamilton-based weekly stuff.

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Furthermore, it's not the drugs and booze that make the 33 Hess slimy - it's the slimy people who are drinking the booze and snorting the coke. And of course, I'm not trying to tar and feather everyone in the bar, just making an overall observation.

It's... seedy.

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Sorry I forgot we need to use emoticons around here or else ya'll feel your being attacked. [Roll Eyes]

Well I also have alot more friends that circulate within that scene then I do within ours(in Hamilton alone I mean),as well most of the musicians are my friends (for many many years) so when I see a generalization of the people that attend those shows at those bars,I tend to get my back up.I defend my friends.

To assume that the scene we are involved in is not the most sketchiest scene for drugs is to lie to yourself about it.

Also I'm sure two hours of radiation treatments today have a bit to do with me being edgy.

My apologys to you,I will remember to explain myself first and use the correct emoticons to express my self. [Roll Eyes]

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I don't think that anyone's arguing that there isn't a certain amount of sketchiness around the "jambands" scene.

Nevertheless, I've seen more seediness within the walls of 33 Hess than any one single other place in the Village in the last ten years. The four or five of us who are still reading this thread know all about the history of that place, and all of the goings-on within it. Of course not everyone there is sketchy, but the average is pretty high, I would say.

As for the band, I think my biggest frustration is that they are all capable of more - and I'm not talking about touring the country and making records. It just seems that they are all just going through the motions, and that is disappointing.

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have to say the level of sketch has come down in the past 8 months since the funky monkey took over at 33... new management and largely a new crowd... an odd development has been seeing a lot of people who would normally only go to dance clubs there... even if it is kind of sketchy some nights (I just can't agree its every sunday night) its good to be a positive person in that sort of room and support your friends

in any case, I go to be blown away by Brian and the band's playing... the crowd is secondary for me

and yeah, briguy, really lookin forward to hearing a long overdue "Brian Griffith" CD [big Grin]

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All good Steve,I have no problems with folks who see Brian once in a blue moon and aren't impressed,I see your point of the repetativeness,just like a few other bands I see regualry,its there.

My problem is only with the generalization of people that go to those bars,especially when alot are my friends and less are "dope fiends" then those that attend "jamband" shows.

One day,maybe one day I will be able to say I am part of the upper echelon or upper crust that attend shows....maybe if I am lucky. [Roll Eyes]

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IMO 33 Hess had way more sketch before the monkey people took over. Now there's good service, bar tenders who aren't too drunk to be serving, polite door staff, and less hard drugs. I know the previous owners and although they're nice people they couldn't run a bar. Plus having Hells Angels hanging around back then wasn't exaclty good for the rep.

33 Hess in 02 = mega sketch

33 Hess in 03/04 = minor sketch

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i saw him the night the wailers were supposed to play and i ran my car into a cop.

i thought they were great but i admit i'm not a fan of a cover show unless it's an event like the rheos or a phish hallowe'en.

i think there's sketchiness in every town. I like how comfortable hamilton's sketchbag scene is with the non sketchy hamiltonians. it seems that people think there's a problem with booze and drugs and slimy people.

it's when those people actually make a problem that there should be issue. i saw nothing go wrong when i was there...i just thought it was a slightly older crowd - maybe you've got too much time invested in watching other people if you think it's that seedy. seemed nice to me...but there ws an overflow from club 77.

i thought this thread was about the family guy then i thought 'oh yeah..griffIN!

anyhow, chuckles all around from me.

and yes, easu, emoticons are useful tools. ..that i ALWAYS forget to use.

i don't mind explaining myself if i need to.

but perhaps this board is overeager/sensitive at times...can't wait for another campout festival. maybe then y'all will be able to get your aggressions out in some sort of fight club or those big sumo wrestler outfits.

'fuck you! jerry all the way'


trey trey trey endele!!!


haha...your ross compressor is no match for my envelope filter.




you have defeated me...but trey still rips it

(the opinions expressed in the preceding fighting match is directly reflected by the particpants. by no means does canned beats or its affiliates really give a sh*t)


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