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Everything posted by bouche

  1. bouche

    Azz Whoopin'

    I think if you're against hitting your kid on the ass, it means you're afraid of him and that makes you a pussy.
  2. bouche

    For Star Wars fans

    I'm glad I'm not the only one that sat through them. Very entertaining AND informative stuff.
  3. bouche

    Azz Whoopin'

    Good interview. Ted's a very nice guy.
  4. bouche

    For Star Wars fans

    Star Wars Coming to Blu-ray this year I can't wait to see Star Wars, Empire, and ROTJ again!
  5. bouche

    Azz Whoopin'

    A belt to a jean covered ass isn't beating. It's merely an ass whooopin'.
  6. cool. love reading about those guys.
  7. That guy looks an awful lot like Guillermo from Weeds.
  8. bouche

    Brain Teaser

    Here's another. Take the letters in NEW YEAR, add the letters in CAN’T, then rearrange those 11 letters—minus the apostrophe—to form a word associated with an opening.
  9. This image provided a little laughter this morning. This sketch was in the local paper today depicting a dude who was pulled over with bomb parts in his trunk. I can't believe how crappy this sketch is. It looks like it was drawn by a 5 year old. Or someone who didn't have a sketchpad and had to use a mouse and windows paint. If that's the case, then maybe it's well done.
  10. bouche

    Brain Teaser

    Trey has a set of the digits from 1 to 9 with no repeats. He chooses five of them and makes a five-digit number that satisfies all of the following conditions: a. The fourth digit is double the sum of the third and fifth digits. b. The sum of the first and fifth digits equals the sum of the third and fourth digits. c. The second digit is the fourth digit minus the third digit. d. The sum of the four unused digits is an even number. What is his number?
  11. bouche

    For Star Wars fans

    Monster Mash was way scarier in that edit.
  12. bouche

    Azz Whoopin'

    This guys kid was pretending to be a gangster and making up stories of popping caps in people, and whatever else we can get from the yelling. I bet you couldn't talk sense into that gansta wanna-be.
  13. bouche

    For Star Wars fans

    yeah. he just fuckin' ruined every character scene for me. Though I'll be watching for this type of dialog setup in every other film I see from now on. At the same time, he's made me appreciate the original trilogy infinitely more.
  14. bouche

    Azz Whoopin'

    I just can't believe the guy videoed an ass-whoopin' and made him put it on facebook. I guess he didn't understand how the internet works. It's f'n everywhere. Maybe that's what he wanted.
  15. bouche

    For Star Wars fans

    it's like going to film school. this guy should be teaching a course. it's such a great analysis. Unfortunately, since those movies weren't that memorable, it's tough to really know what some of the references are that he's talking about, but when he parallels with the original trilogy, which is TOTALLY memorable, his point is made in spades (whatever that saying means). funny guy too. The whole reason that i was able to sit through this epic analysis/review, was because of his humour. He did a great job at trashing Lucas.
  16. Looks like Reddit users are going apeshit to support Ted.
  17. bouche

    Azz Whoopin'

    RubberDinghy is behind this one.
  18. bouche

    Azz Whoopin'

    I don't believe that beating has anything to do with getting hit in the well cushioned ass. Beating has to do with hitting every where else, leaving bruises, breaking things and basically leaving prolonged damage. Did anyone ever get a bruise from an ass smack, or just a red mark that stung for a tiny while? Still, I think this is a hoax
  19. Nobody...except for viral marketing specialists. They have networks of people and access to groups and accounts on every social network that will nearly ensure virility. I don't know how they work in terms of payout' date=' but there's probably a smaller bill if what they concoct doesn't go viral within X number of weeks. [/quote'] Bullshit. We are way too fickle a culture for anyone or anything to be able to "nearly ensure virility." I would have a very hard time believing that a few marketing interns with multiple Facebook accounts can easily parlay a clip of a homeless dude with a deep voice into something that has had millions of hits. Sure, people try to make things "go viral" and there are marketers behind much of what takes off online, but you cannot be serious when you say that viral marketing specialists can make it a slam dunk. If that were the case then we would all be laughing at Microsoft videos on YouTube and nobody would have ever seen Antoine Dodson. Exactly what I couldn't be bothered saying. Call it bullshit if you will, but there are companies out there that can seed into the social network and with multiplier effects, get results. Likely the story of the smelly and homeless protegé of Don LaFontaine is genuine, but I'm going to stay skeptical over stories like this because there really is no way to know for sure unless you truly want to believe everything that is presented to you online. this article went viral in only a couple of days, but was quickly revealed to be a hoax.
  20. bouche

    For Star Wars fans

    Latest review of Episode III by Harry Plinkett I love this series of reviews. He's published the final 3 parts of the final 3 part of the prequels to the 6 part star wars saga. Confusing? worth watching...I did it all in little 10-15 minute chunks. IF you haven't watched his reviews from episode I and II, may as well start there.
  21. Apple's Mac App Store Goes Live need to update to 10.6.6 first and you'll have access to the app store.
  22. bouche

    Azz Whoopin'

    father whoops teenager's ass for acting like a gangster on facebook
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