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Everything posted by bouche

  1. favourite pairing ever is LD and Leon rs5w02NvSyI
  2. I guess this sunday would be a bad time to go for Dim Sum.
  3. Paul Blaker and I rented a room in Hartford Connecticut during Furthur '96 tour, at a place that scared the fack out of us. There were stains that looked like blood to us, and holes in the ceiling/walls that looked like the bullet holes from movies. After the show, on our drive back we realized just how seedy the area was and turned away towards the highway and pulled an all-nighter to the next show in Old Orchard Beach, Maine. We ended up catching a couple of hours of zzzz's on the beach. Much more peaceful.
  4. going for a sandwich tomorrow. probably roast beef with truffled mayo...but you never know.
  5. They appear to be open until 6pm most days. That's all I remember noticing today. We stopped in to grab a loaf and Kevin greeted us. He directed us to the loaves of wonderfully amazing white bread that just came from the oven. After commenting on how great the kouglof's were, he gave me one to enjoy with my morning coffee. What a great place. Everyone working there really loves to be there. YOu can see the reaction when you ask about something. Everyone there loves everything that gets baked. I'm surprised they're not big and fat.
  6. bouche

    Netflix Picks

    It's not available on Netflix here. Are you getting netflix through a US account?
  7. That's not always a compliment. Example: "Bob Weir is one of a kind" Here's painful video of the spill. OUCH!
  8. ok...i'll go to happy goat this week.
  9. "When you're in jail, a good friend will be trying to bail you out. A best friend will be in the cell next to you saying, 'Damn, that was fun.'"
  10. bouche

    Netflix Picks

    I liked Fistful of Quarters too. $7.99 is a great deal. Watch your bandwidth though. If you have a light bandwidth package, you'll get dinged if you watch alot of netflix. Ollie, watch the Vice guide to travel..especially the north korean episode.
  11. bouche

    Netflix Picks

    From that description, I will have to watch the human centipede. Thanks for the heads up!
  12. How is 5 Beef and Cheddars for $5 more expensive than other fast food? In similar news, I sadly noticed that the Arby's that took over the burger king building in Kingston (near Frontenac High School) closed down. It was there for barely 2 years.
  13. a collegue friend at work gave me his pamphlet. I had meant to stop buy, but with bridgehead in my work building now, i have become hooked on their coffees. i'm intrigued by the subscription offering.
  14. bouche

    Netflix Picks

    The Vice Guide to Travel is very interesting. Especially the last episode featuring a trip to North Korea. Also, check out Whites. It's a british comedy set in a kitchen.
  15. haha. i didn't realize that I pulled this gag. I was just doing a search for a topic that somehow pulled up bullmoose. Thought I'd get them back online.
  16. Anyone hear of bullmoose playing again in Ottawa or for that matter Hollerado?
  17. bouche

    For Star Wars fans

    I have a paid jibjab account, got their notification about the new SW themes and completely forgot to make a funny. That's one of them sites that deserves the small fee that they charge for a yearly account.
  18. Thanks for posting that RobL. I've been AFK most of the day.
  19. FYI, the winter hours mean that they open at noon. we showed up at 11:45 today and had to wait for the churchbells to ring. I had the corndog and it was super tasty!
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