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Posts posted by bouche

  1. ya velvet. That's exactly what we should do.

    If I had the tools (ink, and the sticker paper), I'd make stickers for everyone that was going, WITH the avatars!

    However, that isn't possible right now, so the very next best thing is "hello my name is..." conventions stickers.

    Concerning snoots, bring a little bit for after last call. The bar can still serve you pop and juice after 2.

  2. That was all a blast. From the grilled beef tenderloin of Al's steakhouse to the garlic potatoes of a passed out guy (Treyter sampled 2 garlic potatoes from some passed out dude at the Shwarma king), it was a highly entertaining night.

    Thanks Burt dudes, for that fantastic night of music, which I will never forget. It was obvious that the entire bar was under your spell.

    I'd really like to see that 'videographer's' video of last night. It would be highly animated.

  3. I'll give you a live display of swearing if that's what you're looking for.

    Shainhouse broke the ice. Dudes were pretty happy to be getting phone calls, and I think I'll have there show on next thursday too.

    SCI controversy. It smells of the BNB controversy from October. I think they made a comment about SCI that pissed some people off.

    I think we can get these guys playing more nero, some of that jomomma/nero, some downtime, gtb....the list goes on.

  4. Thank you so very much indeed for some incredibly exhilarating nights!

    I'm going to miss Burt, without a doubt. I'm thankful that there is lots of music going around, so Burt can live on in it's digital realm.

    I really hope that you stay in the scene. You've got a huge community of kind folk right behind you.

    I also hope that you pick an avatar soon =)

    email me a little graphic if you have anything you want to use.

    so long and thanks for the Burt!


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