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Posts posted by bouche

  1. I've always felt that those spots have nothing to do with anything supernatural. The fact is, the medium just records light and then reproduces it on photo paper.

    Different wavelengths associated with the paranormal cannot be seen by our real eyes, so therefore they can't be seen by film. If the film could record wierd shit, then at least the paper wouldn't be able to reproduce it.

    I just figure that stuff is an unrelated mystery.

  2. Lately, most of my dreaming has been less than memorable.

    I occasionally have moments of lucidity. Not nearly as frequent as in the past, but that is most likely from having a sleep scheduled around the 9-5 life.

    I think the most common affect of that, in becoming aware that I am asleep, was proving it by flying through my wall and outside.

    I'd never end up anywhere very familiar to me, but everything is always so intense.

    What eventually started happening to me was when I could start to feel myself crossing over into that subconscious place, and I was completely conscious of it, I would begin to hear something telling me to go back. Like something was trying to freak me out and keep me from becoming lucid. I think, in that state, your mind is very subjective, and even though there really isn't anything there, it's hard to keep yourself from believing that there is, so you wake up and lose the state and experience.

    If you haven't investigated lucid dreaming, you really should. There are real techniques that people use to get themselves there.

    You can fall asleep, and enter a lucid state, wake up 20 minutes later, and feel like you've slept for 8 hours.

    Follow some links and read..

  3. I wasn't let down.

    From taking the cues of the last few years, I knew what to expect. Not much.

    What burns me the most is the way they actually worked Canada into the story line.

    Instead of coming up with a funny reason to go to canada, they got Bart dating? Then he's got to talk his entire family into going to Canada because of Rainer's daughter? If they are going to do something that doesn't make sense, why not make it funny?

    I'm pretty sure that them working Phish into an episode will be just as retarded.

    This was called a Canada Episode, and it wasn't one. The 'plotline' just sucked anyway.

    The Phish one won't be a Phish episode either. It's one about medicinal pot and they work phish into it. It may be good because of the actually 'plotline'. When homer gets fucked up, it's usually pretty funny.

    I got a kick out of the shuttlebus driver. "You're driving on the wrong side."

    Driver: I'm drunk

    Did they (simpson's writers) have something to say about canadian DUI laws?

  4. I forgot to mention a funny one...

    In the alley, scottie king, indika, treyter and I were chatting it up. Scottie asks indika his name and he tells him "Indika". Scottie affirms that he understands, and knows who he is from the forum.

    Then Scottie tells him "I'm Scottie King" and Indika then asks "Who are you in the Sanctuary?"

    I nearly pissed myself out of that.

  5. They did sound great last night. I have the sweaty clothes to prove it.

    Scherzo's was a great venue for them. In the 'evil' sections, you can stare at the paintings on the wall and they start to move a bit.

    The lighting was very red and bluesy, and I had no tripod so pictures just weren't possible, at least not with my equipment frown.gif" border="0frown.gif" border="0

    Speaking of which, I have no idea where my camera is frown.gif" border="0frown.gif" border="0frown.gif" border="0

  6. hahah! Are you kidding? Who in their right mind would give up that guitar once in hand?

    I tell you what, I'll just bring my Washburn and let you use that for a while.

    wink.gif" border="0

    If I don't make it to Ottawa though, I can call you and you could swing by tomorrow or something. If I do make it, you'll need to meet me somewhere's where the guitar is.

  7. One thing that the trailer made me think of is that maybe David Grisman was probably the person that lost the most when Jerry went to that big lot scene in the sky.

    They would just hanging out and playing what ever their hearts truely wanted. that is pure freedom, and pure fun. I'm sure that their musical connection was very intense and Grisman would never be able to find that again.

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