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Posts posted by bouche

  1. If you haven't seen Delirious or Raw in a while, you should all rent it.

    I think that hackers somehow hack the DNS servers that tell your browser where to go when you type in www.stringcheeseincident.com

    For instance, you could make gratefulsoft.dyndns.org go to your computer instead of andy's just buy getting his info for his account at dyndns.org and making it think that your computer is andy's.

    Then when someone typed that address in, they'd end up on your computer. YOu could then put up a simple page with a picture of Judge Reinhold in the middle of it.



  2. Wait a minute! How can they say "no taping"?

    What are they really banning? Can you not even bring a little device in there, or you just can't use it? I smell a very fine line here.

    What about pictures? Are they banning photography too?

    If this is what they are doing, we have the power to boycott. Everyone here has pretty much packed that joint a few times and we can UNPACK it too.

  3. Ya Blane. That'd be good for sure. I've had a little database structure together for a while. I'm going to figure something out this year in regards to that. It would be web based too.

    I'm sure just 4 of you traders here could bring down the server.

  4. Haha! I filled out a form to be a member in the audience at a taping of Tenacious D for MAD TV. I just got 2 tix in my email, but I can't make it to California for tomorrow at 7 pm (10 PM EASTERN).

    If anyone can actually go, I'll send it to them.

    Did anybody else get one?

    JunkbondKing must know someone.

  5. Phish content can be found at http://www.gadiel.com/phish/

    smile.gif" border="0

    This site was never intended as a phish fansite, but more of a resource for those phish fans that want more than phish, and as a place to try out internet stuff. The entire jamband community is built off of phish fans and this is a sanctuary for you all.

    However, when phish are going to return, you'll hear about it here before anywhere else I'm sure.

    My first show (7-5-94)was a great experience thanks to a giant shove from Dave Andrews. He made Wackamole and I go to Ottawa and see them at the congress centre right around the time we were trying to see as much dead as possible.

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