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Posts posted by bouche

  1. It's not a new idea, nor is it anything that is quick and easy to do. I hate to see anyone getting restless over a consolidation of information and services.

    There is no doubt that everyone would be up for that, and that it will be a great thing to do.

    Please, have some patience.

  2. As things evolve so will the community grow.

    New ideas will meld with the old ones into one giant organized globule of a site dedicated to everyone that lives in this jammy community.

    That unified notion is only possible now because of all the like-minded people that frequently share daily here, and support all of the bands at every scene.

  3. Zip discs are an old media type. I don't even think that there is a zip drive anywhere around here. I don't know what they don't have a USB interface at least. A 5 gig HD would be nice too, like in the Fostex models.

    The 532 appears to be very similar to the BR-8 but with only 4 tracks. I'm not sure that it has some of the features like the phrase trainer...but that's useless to me.

    I've also been reading that the drums feature is just a glorified metronome and isn't meant to be used as a drumtrack.

    We're gonna have a look at them later and see if there is anything critcal that is worth the 200 bucks or if you're really just paying for 4 more tracks and a zip disc.

  4. I just was running through the 200 members

    (that's 200 exactly - WELCOME NUMBER 200!! HOWLER!!!!)and I'd be here all day typing out who I've met or know.

    I have met quite a few people thanks to this board and I look forward to meeting everyone. I don't know where ASSMAN went (http://www.phishsanctuary.com/cgi-bin/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic&f=1&t=000990), but I would have been afraid to meet that person.

    I wish I had a suprising meeting that's funny but I don't. I just foudn that everyone I've met is incredibly cool and very fun.

    I got a major kick, talking to PEIPunk, and I he seemed to know every little detail about Treyter. Never met the guy, yet knew all about him.

    It's tough to be anonymous when you're the punchline in a lot of stories I guess.

  5. The music store lady has 2 digital recording studios. One is a Boss BR-8 and the other the BR-532.

    The BR-8 is about $200 more, and obviously is loaded with way more features. It also seems to be designed for guitar/bass players as the inputs are labeled for that.

    Can an Alesis keyboard be connected to that input without any problem?

    Are there any other digistudios out there in the same price range that may be a better choice?

    the 532 uses smartmedia cards to record to adn comes with a 32 meg one. Christ, that's smaller than my mp3 player.

    The br-8 uses zip discs.

    Pablo...do you have any thoughts?

  6. I have a wicked proggy called Design Express.

    When my computy is back on the internet, I'll send you a link to grab it and the crack.

    I used to use it with those things you buy for jewel cases, but now that they've changed, I just create my own in adobe photoshop.

    A 4.75 x 4.75 image works great.

  7. I dunno. I sent out a message to everyone that was at Andre's to confirm the new secret gift thingy because the place I ordered the secrete gift thingy from won't ship to Canada.

    I sent you a little image and it came back. You have to receive your mail to clean it up. So either go to Laney's and get it or, change the option about leaving it on the server, receive your mail, then change it back.

  8. That's only the second mention of Galactic in 2 days. Where's wackamole's report?

    It's going to be alot of fun this year going out of town to shows. We'll just be seeing the same people over and over and new people too. Cometogether festivals will be insane for that I think.

  9. Flood control is a default option. I turned it off. Some people like to flood forums i guess.

    If you start flooding hood, It's going away agaiN!

    Anyway...I remember reading something in there about Jerry throwing Phil down the stairs, or Phil throwing Jer. Or was it Bobby?

    Someone find that story and post it!

  10. a. I really like quaker harvest crunch

    b. I used to love captain crunch

    c. but I do like cereal. Mind you, my favorite breaky used to be the Healthy Habit special in Kingston (thanks to the killer homefries), but I had an even better one in Lindsay at the Lindsay Eaten Place.

    d. I made a buritto out of a pancake, bacon, eggs, and maybe some syrup, and Paul B. ate it.

  11. Someone tell indika that his mailbox is overquota!

    Who lets that happen? I can understand with Hotmail and the measly little space you get for free, but a PAID rogers account? How do you fill that up ? Too many porn-in-your-mail subscriptions.

  12. I still don't know what to make of it all. I mean, who the hell is GDP these days? Is Bob Weir silent about all of this? I would think that being a lifelong friend/partner he'd just want to do what Jerry willed.

    Still, I'm sort of wondering why there isn't an uproar from the deadheads blasting Irwin for wanting to auction the guitars off.

    I think he should be able to do what he wants, including getting a ton of money out of his life's commitment, but I'm just suprised I haven't seen any bitching about that.

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