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Posts posted by bouche

  1. Here is the official dinner menu for tonight.

    -Chicken breast cutlet separated into 3 strips

    seasoned with cayenne pepper and coated with shake and bake cajun then delicately fried in 1 tbsp of olive oil for approx 2-3 minutes/side

    -1 Organic baby green salad with red onion and english cucumber, topped with cubed old cheddar and dressed with a little vinegrette

    -1 potato... prep method still undetermined.

    Tomorrow, I will be out of chicken, so I may find another type of creature to eat. I may go for some aquatic life or better yet, something that goes moo when it isn't sliced up.

    I may save that stuff for when BBQ season opens up. What's the date on that again?

  2. hey Jaimoe.

    I'm already excited. I haven't seen Let it Be in over ten years. I used to have a copy of it on Beta! I had rented it from no other than "Diamond Video" on Beta, and taped it on my Beta vcr, which subsequently began to smoke and was the last Betamax I have ever seen.

    I swear I had a copy on VHS one time too, but it has since disappeared.

    Amazon claims that they will email me if it is ever going to come out on DVD.

  3. I don't know why anyone is worried about what the did or said. shit, it was a FUN night, and everyone was GREAT.

    It was certainly great to see PEIPunk hop on that grand theft bus and come out to Ottawa!

    I will not forget Pablo at ALL! The image of him riding Asparagus and waving his hands in the air like a wasted Lone Ranger, only to collapse right in front of Graeme and the boys is burned in my head! That was fugging priceless!

  4. I'm glad you've hit that place now Brad.

    It's always tough the first month or so, but once you hit that place where you actually see progress (download the crosstrainer again www.crosstrainer.ca you won't want to go back.

    Actually, once you see negative progress from slacking you'll be pissed and never want to miss another day again.

    1 week of missed cardio results in about 30% decline in your performance when you return. Take 2 weeks off, and you'll see a huge drop in your endurance, stamina, and strength.

    You shouldn't only weigh yourself either. You should be taking various measurements to gauge your progress. Get one of them tailor measuring tapes. Don't forget to download the crosstrainer and keep track of what you're eating with it.

  5. I think that 'pose' can even offer a glimpse into their personalities....

    St. Steve looks like the leader

    Chris looks like the 'wild one'

    Jordan's gotta be the tall sociopath

    Big Dave's the guy with the sitar and the stash

    Little Dave is the drunken version of the little kid from Hanson

  6. Well, aren't we the lucky one? I'm going to come to Kingston and have a session at that gym one day. I'd really like to see if the twins would like to stretch with me. Maybe a little muscle love lotion would help with the stretching.

    Did they actually have to HELP you up? Man, that's quite an icebreaking strategy.

  7. I don't get it. Why don't they just get Lesh and Friends up there doing Liberty? Instead, they get Paul "Angela Lansbury" McCartney cheesing it up with Freedom.

    I am respectable towards Paul, except that he really can be very cheesy, and he does look exactly like Angela Lansbury these days, or any old british lady that was in bedknobs and broomsticks.

    Don't believe me? have a look....



  8. yes. it's obvious that it all started with supermodel/musician Ladd.

    But what's the deal with Mariah? I thought that she's been easing herself into the hasbeen world like whitney. I'm actually suprised they didn't snap up madonna or jessica "mmmmmmm tasty" simpson.

    Speaking of the Simpson's, I propose that Fox CANS IT, and put the Family guy in that slot. they should also move King of the Hill to thursday's 8:30 and put the tick on leadin to the family guy. I still love Futurama, so if they hang on to that, they have me on sunday's up until 10...well, until the X-files is gone this year. It seems like they are going to have a lot of wide open spaces.

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