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Kanada Kev

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Everything posted by Kanada Kev

  1. Since Parliament ain't getting back to work until AFTER the Olympics are over, i'm sure tons of MPs will be enjoying the festivities on their expense accounts provided by us. That might make a few people a little pissed and up fer some good ol' protesting.
  2. Kanada Kev

    Go Expos Go!

    I've heard similar. Also the fact that the majority of east coast sports writers remember him more from the spit, and from his lackluster tenure with the Mets. Too bad. I hope he makes it. Arguably in the top few Jays of all time (gotta put Doc up there with him).
  3. Kanada Kev

    Go Expos Go!

    I hate flat-brim caps Douchebag headware
  4. Exactly. I can't tell you how much more enjoyable it is watching broadcasts like these slightly delayed. By the time we sat down to watch it the first period had ended, but we did not know the score. Went to the beginning of the recording on the PVR and "caught up" to the live broadcast for the third period. Skipped through all the commercials and commentator blathering. Makes a fast-paced game even faster. PVRs = best damn inventions of the past decade I hate having to suffer through commercial breaks (and it's those commercial breaks that provide me with a pay cheque )
  5. Thanks for this thread and the posts. Great site BWM, and glad that J liked the movie I think i'll be taking Jack to this one soon. I can't wait to see it, and simply must in 3D on a BIG screen Marge, thanks for the comparison to Star Wars in relation to violence levels, etc.
  6. Still way more exciting and emotion-filled than any NHL game on TV last night.
  7. Kanada Kev

    yayyyyyy God

  8. How about those 50/50 draws at the games?! Have you ever heard of them getting this big:
  9. [color:purple]The US and Canadian Juniors are our Olympic teams now?!?!?
  10. They should go back to '62 style training camps. Maybe their record would improve: http://thepuckdoctors.com/2010/01/leaf-training-camp-requirements-in-1962/
  11. The spontaneous "O Canada" being sung while they got their silver medals was pretty damn good! Classy crowd too. Good on them for most of them sticking around for the ceremonies and applauding the USA for their efforts. The only boos seemed to be coming from a few of the questionable calls/non-calls by the refs (they had a few for both teams).
  12. Congrats USA Frustrating Damn FAST game though. The great thing about watching the young players is the element of surprise. You simply never know when somebody is going to rise up and shine, and when somebody makes a juvenile mistake. Eberle was amazing coming through at the end there. Too bad the were beaten by what the Americans did so well in both games ... fast fast FAST odd man rushes. Those guys were hurting at the end of the game. Shows how much their hearts were in it. The were hungry for the win but credit to the USA who weathered the storm and captured the gold. Classy interview by Carlson at the end of the game. Who's up for some games in Buffalo next year?!?!? Still can't believe that Canada never got to play Russia, Finland or Sweden in games that counted in this tournament.
  13. What a coherent, sincere, deep and very observant man. The world needs more Victor Wootens!! Here's a great little vid in case you had never heard of him before
  14. Gotcha. Fair enough. That is much different than "forcing" the purchase of more tickets to other events in order to get access to tickets for the event you want to attend.
  15. Here's a podcast of Vic Wooten being interviewed on CBC's Tapestry. Enjoy: http://podcast.cbc.ca/mp3/tapestry_20091213_24374.mp3 http://www.cbc.ca/tapestry/podcast.html Tapestry - December 13, 2009 - The Spirit of Music Some people call Victor Wooten the greatest bass player alive. He started playing the bass when he was three years old. His stage debut came at age five. Victor is a member of the Grammy-winning Béla Fleck & The Flecktones and winner of two Nashville Music Awards for Bassist Of The Year. Mary Hynes speaks to Victor Wooten this week on Tapestry. [mp3 file: runs 47:09]
  16. !!!EXACTLY!!! The NHL needs young blood in the seats. And you're right in that they eat and drink too. Hell, they might even make some noise and inspire the team on the ice. Do you think they'll be requiring people do buy ticket packs for the 2010 season when buying playoff tickets this season (if they make it)? THey might as well just show their greed and institute broadcast blackouts while they're at it
  17. Alfie's out and nobody goes to the games anymore??? Isn't Fisher pretty enough??? Come on Ottawa ... seriously, don't let Gary move ya to Hamilton or Queebec. Looks like they need to discount the tickets even more to fill any of the seats. Give 'em away to school kids or something. (I really wish more pro franchises would do that.)
  18. Yeah, thanks schwa! Great work. Always good to have company at the bottom of the pool playoffs?
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