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dimafleck: the living legend.

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Everything posted by dimafleck: the living legend.

  1. [color:red]STOP MAKING SENSE RECREATED IN ITS ENTIRETY. SONG FOR SONG. CUT FOR CUT. AUGUST 25th, 2007, OPERA HOUSE BNS PRODUCTIONS brings you their second annual extravaganza! Last year we brought you strippers dancing with 7-foot tall penises. We brought you a blood drenched battle between Jesus and Optimus Prime. This year we will take the parade to new heights. SET ONE: All of your favourite "Wedding Singer" 80s numbers performed live by ROBBIE HART AND FINAL WARNING themselves. Even Jon Lovitz will be in the house for the filthiest version of Kool & The Gangs "LADIES NIGHT," ever performed! SET TWO: "STOP MAKING SENSE" performed note for note, cue for cue, in its ENTIRETY! Check out clips of the original Talking Heads, "Stop Making Sense" concert on youtube. You will NOT want to miss this, it will be the event of the summer. SET THREE: back by popular demand, a man shooting heroin from a dirty needle next to a pile of dead babies. The Opera House will be recreated into an 80s dance party sanctuary, like the spaceship from ET. If you were at FREEDOM OF '76 last year, expect the NEXT LEVEL. If you weren't.... EXPECT THE NEXT LEVEL! ---TICKETS AVAILABLE AT--- http://www.ticketweb.ca/t3/sale/SaleEventDetail;jsessionid=UVCeqfoNScvXJ2b0tRfkZQ**.node4?dispatch=loadSelectionData&eventId=189591&jsessionid=UVCeqfoNScvXJ2b0tRfkZQ**.node4 ---NUFUNK TICKETS OUTLETS--- Soundscapes - 572 College - (416) 537-1620 Play De Record - 357A Yonge Street - (416) 586-0380 Rotate This - 620 Queen St. W – (416) 504-8447 Shanti Baba - 546 Queen St. W - (416) 504-5034 Sonic Temple - 5165 Yonge St - (416) 222-2004
  2. i always thought they were just a washed up Casino act...which they are, but, my girlfriend swears by them and sent me their greatest hits, and they are awsome!
  3. wow...even ohio would say "that's trashy"
  4. well family, its that time of year again... leading up to this weekend, i had 14 days of work in a row, 3 papers and an exam.... it was stressful to say the least... tommorow, i leave to buffulo to meet up with my girlfriend, and the next morning, we head off to bonnaroo. i am fucking pumped, and i'm pretty much all set, aside from some of the finer points. safe travels to all the people who aren't pussies and are doing it. BRRAP BRRAP BRRAP.
  5. i've been craving this for like 2 years, and tonight, i plan on settling said craving. anyone know a place so i don't have to drive from desert shop to desert shop?
  6. phish will never reunite, and if they do it will be shit. either way, you are a dumbass.
  7. so my best friends girlfriend didn't realize her passport is expired.... and now she's stuck in toronto (he left for havana today...they were going together) she is getting it extended on monday, however, she now needs a 1 way ticket to havana for monday, i can't seem to find anything online.. anyone know any good websites
  8. is it just me or the fact that a festival like moe.down starts at $80 while this starts at over $100 make no sense? any festival where raq is the top draw is worth no more than 50 bucks... TOPS and thats if the camping is fantastic.
  9. whats the best way to shove a corgi puppy in a blender? hind legs first. wanna know why? so you can watch the expression on its face change. (this jokes works great if substitute "corgi puppy" with "baby" and present it to a girl on a first date...)
  10. oh my god! where have you been all my life.
  11. obviously there are random recommendations that you must follow, calls of nature, sleepyness, randomness etc etc etc that totally changes what you end up seeing, which is what bonnaroo is all about anyways... but as far as i see it on paper right now I AM SEEING: for me: THURSDAY Lewis Black & Friends Starring: John Bowman, Lynne Koplitz, Finesse Mitchell (8:15 - 9:30) Yard Dogs Road Show (10:00 - 11:00) Rodrigo y Gabriela (12:00 - 1:30) FRIDAY Tortoise (2:15 - 3:30) Hot Chip (4:00 - 5:30) Manu Chao Radio Bemba Sound System (6:30 - 8:00) Tool (9:00 - 11:30) LATE NIGHT: Starting at StS9 and ending up at Dj Shadow, probably checking out a bit of Cheese. Saturday: nothing like starting a sketchy saturday with some chill reggae Ziggy Marley (3:15 - 4:45) Ween (5:45 - 8:00) The Police (9:00 - 11:30) LATE NIGHT: Galactic with special guests Chali 2na, Lyrics Born, Gift of Gab, Mr. Lif, Boots Riley and more (12:00 - 3:00) are you fucking kidding me bonnaroo? this will be insane. starting there, then walking over to SASHA and DIGWEED when they get nice and settled around 2ish. Sunday: doing the same thing i did last year, and thats bringin camping chairs up nice and close, a back pack full of food and beer and just chilling out the entire day and letting the music come to me for a change. John Butler Trio (1:00 - 2:00) Bob Weir & Ratdog (3:00 - 4:30) Wilco (5:30 - 7:00) then i'm going to head over to WHICH STAGE and finish my weekend with The White Stripes (7:15 - 8:45)
  12. realized a dolly album is whats missing in my collection. any suggestions?
  13. its my girlfriend's birthday and we're thinking of going to a bunch of different places to get different coctails. any suggestions? in and around the downtown core... queen, king, annex etc.... thanks.
  14. "It's a shame Dima wasnt in town for the nero reunion shows. He could have come over for that late night Coltrane viewing that woke you up from your deep sleep at 5am." and we could have made love to darius like we used to.
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