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dimafleck: the living legend.

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Everything posted by dimafleck: the living legend.

  1. the perfect combo of sketchy and halarious. best rant ever. thank you.
  2. so i'm doin the roo with my gf, and we want to dress up in costume for saturday night (masquerade ball) which i hope is happening, and even if it isn't , costumes are fun. anyway, we want to do a couple style costume. the quidelines: 1) it has to be light/not hot. (the less clothing the better) ... last year i was a flowery hawaian guy and i didn't wear a shirt...that was perfect. 2) it has to be small enough to fit into our back packs. 3) it can't be too expensive. so far, we are thinking slutty doctor suess characters.
  3. at one point some guy stops me as i'm walking by with a drink and goes "HEY DIMA!!!" so i stop...and i have never seen this man before in my entire life. so i go hey "hey man! how do you know i'm dima?" and he goes "just a guess... you really look like a dima" so i go "you're scaring the crap out of me man" and he goes "sorry man... just really thought you looked like a dima.." which one of yous was fuckin with my intoxicated mind?
  4. wow... what a great event... farina killed it.... i left at like 4:50am and he was still going strong. the perfect amount of people...great crowd... love the docks. FARINA brought it in sooo slow and then threw it down hard. king sunshine put on a really good show too.
  5. and its def not 15 minutes to walk... i walked it in the summer to get to Big Summer Classic and it was annoying and long.
  6. i'm going to farina this saturday and i can't find any bus info... i'd be comming from north york and taking the yonge line down.....
  7. just got two tickets. ticketmaster doesn't have em... but i did some searching, adn you can get them from milkaudio's website.
  8. wow, what a brilliant way to perfectly summerize why its incredible.
  9. yeah...it is sooo 7 years ago... maybe that album and your false sense of dignity, youth, and hopes for the future can meet up and do lunch.... dima you dog.... you've done it again.
  10. As I walk into shows and concerts, I notice people comming together and being together. However, as I continue on my path, do I really see a scene and a community? Are we slipping or fading? Can this scene continue? Can this community survive? discuss.
  11. i like to get high and go to concerts.
  12. saw these guys play the elmo last night and haven't had that much fun dancing to a band in a bar in a while..... a long while this is the first bar band i've seen that i will definitely be seeing again and again in at least 2 years. so much fun. dan , the precussionist from vanderpark sat in for a good little bit and was INCREDIBLE. vanderpark delivered a solid opening performance aswell. the most fun i've had at the elmo since Soullive.
  13. the only bad part about the movie is some of the dialogue... but the imagery is fucking mind blowing. best battle sequences ever. one problem: i didn't give a shit about any of the characters...so as gory as the battle was, it didn't really effect me the way the gore in say Braveheart did. the imagery was just mind blowing though. the first entrance of Xerxes ont he platform was beautiful.
  14. his routine about late night infomercials was one of favorites. "you want a weight loss tape?? order my cousin vinnie's weight loss tape.... its a peice of scotch tape... put it over your mouth and stop eatin you fat bastard"
  15. yeah, but goy's aren't smart enough to make a decent living.
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