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dimafleck: the living legend.

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Everything posted by dimafleck: the living legend.

  1. i go to nursing home or retirment living communities, and use the buzzer to buzz any old lady that lives in the building.... when she answer's HELLO!? i go "hi grandma?" to which she goes "DAVID??" or whatever other name her grandson happens to be... i then proceed to tell her that i just got into a car crash right down the street, but that i'll be okay, and that i need 50 bucks to pay the tow truck driver as a deposit.... i then tell the concerned granny that "listen grandma, i need to stay by my car and fill out some paperwork, but my friend is going to come up and get the emergency money" ... i promise to pay her back, and call her as soon as things are straightened out.... i then take the elevator up to her apartment, and pretend to be the friend..... i once made 500 bucks in one building alone.
  2. furthermore, the idea is to be broad because i will be studying the issue from a variety of different angles over the course..... thanks yo.
  3. i think both wikipedia and youtube are social networks because 1) they are dependant on those who use them. 2) they achieve more power the more poeple that use them from a variety of backrounds 3) they connect people in a totally new and different way. also....bradm, i mention that social networks have influneced culture since forever....its just they were limited by TIME/SPACE. now there are no boundries...which is why its a totally different beast.
  4. just wrote this up quickly..... i will pretty much study whatever i propose for the rest of the term.... yes? no? It is often said that “It’s not what you know, but who you know†that matters in our society. Social power in Western culture was once largely based on knowledge; how educated are you? In the electronic age, social standing was determined by information; what can you provide? As “Web 2.0†emerges out of its infancy, we are witnessing yet another change in what deems a person socially powerful; who can you connect? Social Networks have always been the way Western culture organized itself, both socially and economically. However, without specific technologies, social networking is limited both in size and in how quickly it can adapt to changes. In this new era of instant connection and the internet, social networking knows no boundaries. Online networks such as Facebook are connecting people on both global and local scales. Furthermore they are quickly establishing themselves as the foundation of our lives. I wish to explore the social and technological climate that has put these networks onto the global forefront. Why are certain sites like Youtube, Facebook and Wikipedia flourishing at an exponential rate? These three sites alone have revolutionized the way our society receives its entertainment and information. They are also changing the way companies make themselves marketable. Market research and advertising has quickly aligned itself with this new social network revolution. On the front-end politics of Facebook has quickly established it as the most user friendly way to connect to those around you. Simultaneously, the back end of this social powerhouse has turned it into an infinite network of consumers who are sharing their every interest and daily activity. Furthermore, these networks have also empowered the most effective advertising method of all; word of mouth. A product or political campaign that gains a buzz on the internet is hit with millions of hits within a matter of hours as people swarm their blogs, facebooks, and message boards. This is why social power now lies in connectivity. A single person is merely a node with no potential of connectivity. However, as one acquires access to a variety of networks, they increase their ability to influence the world around them; the key word here being “varietyâ€. While this networked society is connecting people on a global scale, not everyone has access to the technology necessary to participate. However, everyone is ultimately influenced, shaped and controlled by those connected in this new social structure. The privileged elite are no longer those who are able to attain the most expensive education, but those who are able to connect the fastest and on the broadest scale. Ultimately, our society will soon find itself in a social structure where if one does not exist on a website like Facebook, one does not exist.
  5. the Guverment has an insane line up of dj's for a party that will go into monday morning on the 20th.
  6. did canned beats just say RADIOHEAD?! they are culturally significant for the same reasons TOOL, PEARL JAM, RHCP and METALLICA are. they get radio play, they had a creative peak that got them alot of attention and praise...they have a loyal fanbase. and they have a gigantic draw. WSP is not in the same league. NOBODY, and this isn't opinion... its just straight up fact.... gives a shit about WSP except for WSP fans, and jam kids that read relix and think they know somthing. WSP is significant to small percentage of people living in a certain region of the states, and COLORADO... think about this... Bonnaroo is heading in the direction of being an international festival... it is getting that kind of attention... and widespread panic as headliner is the only weak part of their line up this year. these are acts that have headlined bonnaroo. and these are the types of acts that should continue headlining bonnaroo.
  7. you're opinion on what they produced in the studios has nothing to do with how big of a band they are. name me one current american rock band thats bigger on a national scale?
  8. "Is that what you kidz are calling it these days?" no its an obvious abreviation.
  9. 1)bonnaroo is turning into AMERICA's BIG ROCK FESTIVAL. DMB is currently America's Biggest Rock Band. bonnaroo used to be the biggest Hippy Fest....which is why WSP was a headliner that made sense... 2) DMB is a culturally significant band that has emense mainstream appeal. thus, making the BONNAROO festival that much more of a POWERHOUSE. 3) however, they are still musically/artistically genuine... they aren't some sellout MTV filth that has music made for them all for the image. THUS, allows bonnaroo is keep its rep. 4) dmb brings out hot brawds that get drunk and put out. 5) the first time i diddled a twat was at a dave show.
  10. why would that be sarcastic? DMB would be a much better sunday headliner for so many obvious reasons that i don't even think it needs mentioning. BONNAROO is a powerhouse of the festival....and deserves an act that at leaset has GRAND national fame and appeal....Tool, Radiohead, Police, DMB...this is the direction i want to see Bonnaroo headliners going... not some regional act that carved out a tiny niche for itself.
  11. WSP. i mean common.... what a weak way to finish the weekend. it just doesn't make sense in the whole festival dynamic anymore. imo. broo has outgrown a panic headliner...they just aren't beefy enough. the idea of a Hippy band finishing of the festival is great... phil did a great job last year...but WSP just doesn't make sense to me.... WEAK. TOOL-> POLICE-> DMB would be better.
  12. what concerns me most is what the hell will happen to the dogs that bark bees.
  13. why would anyone go to amsterdam and see bar bands they can see in rochester? i don't get it.
  14. so a few days ago, i went to visit my girlfriend who lives in buffalo. (she is a canadian, but her parents moved to buffalo for work. we met at yorku). I had no trouble crossing into the states and I stayed for 1 day. On my way back towards the Canadian border, right before you enter the "no mans land" where there is no turning back, there were a bunch of American border guards that had set up traffic cones forcing traffic into one lane and they were doing random checks. (this is the first time i've ever seen this kind of thing). anyway, i pull up to the jerk (why is it that american border gaurds feel they can swear and act like ignorant morons? is it part of the job?) so without any explanation, or a "please", or a "this will only take a second"... they check my passport, give me the once over, and then pull me aside and tell me to sit on the curb. The guy takes my passport and starts typing stuff away into his laptop (they had set up a mobile screening truck or somthing). his other two friends start giving me the questions. "you ever been arrested yet?" -No not yet sir "yeah we'll see what we can do about that" "whats you're girlfriends name? where does she live? address? spell her last name..... blah blha blha. "you have any drugs or weapons?" that kinda thing.... i answer everything politely and truthfully and i was kind of enjoying the whole ordeal because i find american border guards very entertaining...especially when i have nothing to worry about. "we are going to check your car now, anything dangerous we should be aware of?" -No sir. so they start hauling apart my car for about 5 minutes when i realize that i should disclose somthing that might be a little on the dangerous side. -Uh...sir... there might be somthing I should warn you about. "yeah, whats that?" "i have a ziplock bag full of used condoms in my back pack that I haven't had a chance to discard" "you're a real fucking jerk you know that...get up.... hey FRANK! ...." they tell me to sit there as they start saying something on their radios..... "GET UP!...you're a real fuckin jerk you know that....take this slip and get inside that building" i am escorted into the "search room" where i wait for roughly 20 minutes. at this point i am getting ready for a strip search and i'm kind of enjoying the whole disaster that this has become. teh supervisor comes in with rubber gloves and my bag and says "put on the gloves, and pull apart every single thing inside this bag...." "sure thing...i'm so sorry" i do as i'm told.... i come back to my car and they are still searching it.... they are in possession of my cell phone and they dialed my girlfriend to do a backround check (scared the shit out of her) they end their inspection with one last question "how the hell did a goon like you end up with an american girl anyway???" to which i answer "actually sir, she is canadian, i would never date an american" DIMA-1 AMERICAN BORDER GUARDS- 0 "alright...well... you can leave, and throw that shit out" "yes sir."
  15. so i got a speeding ticket on April 15 2006. a court date was issued Augest 16th 2006 for June 5th 2007. my uncle is a dentist and doesn't share my last name... infact he's not even my uncle...he's actually my distance relative. (but we're close) how many days after a ticket is issued must you appear before a judge or else it is VOID? can i get out of this court date and pospone it with a doctor's note? should i? is there any other sneaky method of getting out of a traffic ticket? thanks in advance... -dima
  16. watching the secret has simply made me a more conciously positive thinker. and it gets me laid yo.
  17. who's commin with me man??!?!?!?!! who's commin with me?
  18. seeing gentlemonkey, moe.ron and sarah for the first time since 2004 made my night.... where was pablo sanchez!?!? dima want!
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