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Everything posted by bokonon

  1. hahahahah!!! I wish they had that when I went to Catholic high school!
  2. I have something you can eat at lunch time!
  3. I'm listening to the Brantford station at work and I'm ready to stab myself in the ears.
  4. I don't think I know you, but happy birhtday anyway. You make me laugh and have been known to be helpful at times, so I truly hope your day is a good one!
  5. Starbuck's has Fuckachino?!? Wow, I've been drinking at the wrong coffee place all this time.
  6. That was the result of simultaneous posting. The useless post I was referring to was the "Good question" post. Whoa, it was a dig against me...I'll take that personally, thank you very much. Oh honey, I can make it up to you!
  7. I can show you how to turn on a pussy. I can't see in the light or the dark so I don't give a rat's ass about the lights.
  8. If anybody needs parking lessons I'm here for you.
  9. Or the following phrase: woman without her man is nothing
  10. Ahhh, the importance of punctuation reminds me of the book "Eats Shoots and Leaves".
  11. Can I get tickets to see Matt Costa on me?
  12. Neither. We're doing it acapella. And that's fuckin' funny....and helpful.
  13. nice one boko-towns. Nah, I'm more than most can handle.
  14. I hit the "Add Post" button later, obviously.
  15. Unfortunately that has somehow become my job! Will you be my girlfriend? You're a snappy dresser and I heard you make great food!
  16. Dude, it's a thread about a parking garage. I like a challenge, I didn't waste the effort on this, it's too easy.
  17. That was the result of simultaneous posting. The useless post I was referring to was the "Good question" post.
  18. It makes more sense than asking a bunch of people that have likely never been in the garage nor know with any authority what the intentions of the sign are, ask the people that enforce the rules.
  19. ...scaramouche, scaramouche, can you do the fandango?! thunderbolts and lightening, very, very frightening......
  20. I vote the above as the most useless post of 2008 so far, it's neither helpful nor funny. Why don't you ask the garage attendants about the rules?
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