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Everything posted by bokonon

  1. Did you look at the guys? I mean, which one should she take, the shit monster, Mr. Happy Yellow Shorts or redneck with farmer's tan?
  2. If you need to replace your vice I live near Brantford and can therefore hook you up with some heady crack. Just kiddin' man. Good for you!
  3. I will pay you five dollars if you take a pic and post it here.
  4. I always wonder about unhealthy health practitioners. How dedicated can they possibly be to their profession if they won't even help themselves?
  5. OSAP is such a fucking joke, I'm still mad and it's ten years later. I didn't qualify for OSAP when I went to school even though I lived on my own and was receiving no assistance from my parents. OSAP said my family had too much money and they should help me. I thought that was a nice idea too, but it still didn't happen. FUCK OSAP! FUCK THE GOVERNMENT AND FUCK TUITION! FUCK!
  6. I thought the subject line of this thread said pervs, not perps. It's the only reason I opened it.
  7. We need details! Where are you and how do we get stuff to you? What kind of events are you looking for? What kind of stuff do you want? Can you link us to an official website so we can see more about the charity?
  8. Tee hee! I saw this coming a few months ago when Nellie told me you were the guy she wants to spend the rest of her life with. Mind you, she was mad at you at the time....I think she said "the guy I want to spend the rest of my life with is being a dink!" It was kinda funny all the mixed signals in that sentence. She loves you just as much as you love her, and that's so nice to see. As for the fights, my money is on Nellie.
  9. Yeah! I'm totally with Large Marge, I second the notion for The Saloon!!
  10. Like you wash anything, you fucking hippie!
  11. Oh I'll give you a feeling and you'll know exactly what it is!
  12. We've got lots of stuff pouring in for them now, thank you all for your support. Joe and Lanna say thanks to everyone. I went shopping for her on the weekend and found the cutest little leather jacket for her. I brought it over to her grandma's house and as she was trying it on gradma pulled the exactly same one out of her closet, so now Lanna and Nana match. It's the cutest thing ever. I didn't think that kid could get any cuter, but I was wrong. She loved the jacket and wanted to go to bed in it.
  13. Holy schnikes!!! That's fucking awesome! (notice that got four exclaimation marks, it's that important and exciting. SUPERCONGRATULATIODOTIOUS! (i just made that up, i'm kinda proud of it.....ya'll are inspiring people already )
  14. Hey kids, most of us are Canadian on here and the site does have a Canadian domain so if we're going to use the word 'centre' in our name can we please spell it the Canadian way? I can't help but notice the word 'come' is in a lot of topics and even the tagline of the site. (Come waste your time with us) So my vote for the rename is Just Breathing Heavy.
  15. I started liking Rush when I worked at the book store. I read some small article in a newspaper that Neil wrote, then read one of his books, loved Rush ever since I bothered to listen to their lyrics. Oh yeah, and the Rush in Rio DVD is bloody wonderful!
  16. I don't have long hair or boobs but I swear to god I'm still a girl and I like Rush a lot. Neil Peart is a god in my country.
  17. My friend Joe's house burned down two days ago. Everyone got out safely but he and his daughter lost all their stuff. Joe is about five seven and skinny, he needs clothes for himself and his daughter. Lanna (his daughter) is almost three and wears size 2 and up. If anyone in the Brant/Norfolk/Waterloo area has anything to contribute that would be wonderful, I will come pick it up. Cheers! -Lexi Sexsmith
  18. bokonon


    I love Catholic mass and I'm atheist.
  19. bokonon


    Ever been to a Catholic mass? They're creepy and neat! Especially if you think about trans-substantiation. Cannibals!
  20. I think I'm going to legally change my name to Lexi Sexsmith, I've been thinking it over all day.
  21. BradM, what do you do for a living? Inquiring minds want to know.
  22. Going to Niagara Falls and having sex in the dioramas at the wax museum.
  23. I wish my last name was Sexsmith.
  24. People only talk about his pot activism anymore, he's also fought some hard battles for censorship. I fully respect his activities and think it's ridiculous that our government would extradite him. Fuck America's long arm of the law. Why do American policies affect other countries when they don't listen to anyone else? Why can America preach free trade and maintain protectionist laws for its own economy. These are things I hate about America. Most other things I like quite a lot and thoroughly enjoy being in the States, especially down south.
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