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Posts posted by bokonon

  1. I understand it is cold outside and you are in a hurry but if you step in front a moving vehicle while the roads are covered in snow you may end up underneath its tires. Vehicles cannot stop quickly in this weather even at slow speeds. I don't want to hit anyone, it would be a bitch to clean off frozen blood from my yellow paint.

  2. Correction:

    Living in Ontario, if every fucking moron driving a Honda Accord like its July, didn't text their way to fucking work while putting on their fucking makeup and instead just stayed the fuck home, would be awesome.

    Sorry, I wish I had put that bitch into the ditch.


    HAHAHAHAHAHA! So fucking true!

    You know what I really liked about driving home from TO on Saturday night?

    Passing all the BMWs and Mercedes in my Ford and thinking 'hahahahah, my car cost 1/3 of what yours did and is just as comfortable but a hell of a lot more fun!'

    I <3 My Ford

  3. Now you're acting like my dad. I'm starting to wonder if my parents have morphed in to one completely evil and intolerable being named Alabama Esau. (A name which makes no sense)

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