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Posts posted by bokonon

  1. Just because you CAN say something, doesn't mean you should. For example, I think you're a fuÇking douchebag, but it doesn't mean I have to say that.

    Sorry if that's harsh man, but it's the facts.

    (Oh, and by the way, it's "it's" as in "it is", and "that's", as in "that is". Not "its" and "thats". Just FYI. You know, just helping you out. You wouldn't want people to think you are a moron or anything. Might take some of the credence away from your overall dickheadedness. I mean, you can be an asshole, but at least people can't accuse you of being a stupid asshole who wouldn't know how to use an apostrophe if it shot him in the face.)

    See? Just because I can say that, doesn't mean I should.

    Karin, I'm sorry about your friend.

    And I'm sorry for bitching up your thread.

    Although you have the right idea, I think the word you are looking for is credibility, not credence. From my understanding of the word I think that credence is something the reader would give to the article, not take from it. Credence is the ability to believe whereas crediblity is the inherent merit of truth. Credibility is what the author gives to an article and the reader takes away.

  2. My bar is pretty cheap by Ontario standards. Now correct me if I'm wrong, but when I was in BC it seemed like bar prices were almost par with going to buy your own and drinking at home. Any West Coasters got the 411 on that?

  3. The fact that my head's not cold. This is the first year in a long time (Seven years maybe) that I have hair in the winter that is not shaved, really short or dreaded. I've got just plain chin length hair and it really does keep your head warm when compared to the alternatives.

    I'm bored at work.

    I also love a good shag. (Had to make this dirty somehow)

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