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Posts posted by bokonon

  1. To truly learn about anything' date=' shouldn't you also learn the opposing viewpoints so you can grasp both sides of the idea?[/quote']

    Exactly! But that would promote independent thought and decision making = EVIL!

    btw - where was the sexiness in your last post? It was lacking your usual innuendos :(

    I guess the part about me being a catholic schoolgirl was too subtle. Man, kilts were great for getting it on in precarious locations!

  2. And given that they are a catholic school that truly feels catholocism is the way' date=' why the fuck should they have atheist propaganda in their libraries?[/quote']

    Fair enough, then let them fund their own schools. They can pay for every book, every desk, every pencil, write every paycheque themfuckingselves.

    And I say that as a product of the Catholic Separate School Board!

    Take away the bucks and let these perverts twist in the wind. Maybe Jesus will pony up some funds for 'em to keep the kids feeling nice and guilty about everything.

    I change my mind. I love MarcO!

    I also am a product of the Catholic school system.

    To truly learn about anything, shouldn't you also learn the opposing viewpoints so you can grasp both sides of the idea?

  3. ollie you beat me to it... I know I said I would stop but.... How about we outlawing Happy Meals/taking your kids to McDs.

    I had the McDonald's Turkey BLT today, it was fucking awesome! Then me and my kids went to the Rez and bought a carton, we're halfway through it already! Little fuckers sure like to smoke when we're drinking all that Jack!

  4. Looks delicious! If no one claims it, I'll take it and have it for dinner on Friday night. We were going to have Spaghetti Squash but roast feline sounds better. I guess the squash could become a side.

    Don't forget the chianti and fava beans.

  5. I love you like you were my own brother.

    Everything has gone as well as possibly could be expected' date=' especially the fact that my kidney is working well in my brother.


    For god's sakes man! Don't give him your other kidney, you need that!

    I'm holding out for a nice piece of his liver.

    Are you going to have it with fava beans?

  6. I love you like you were my own brother.

    Everything has gone as well as possibly could be expected, especially the fact that my kidney is working well in my brother.

    For god's sakes man! Don't give him your other kidney, you need that!

    Kudos to you, it's things like this that help maintain that shred of hope I have for humankind, thanks for the inspiration and may you recover quickly with your brother.

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