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Posts posted by bokonon

  1. I have two awesome gift ideas this year.

    1.For my step-dad who has chronic back pain I'm getting him a gift certificate for an hour long massage with an RMT that is a block away from his house. Not only is it a cool present but it's one that he doesn't have to put in any effort to enjoy and it supports the economy of the little town that he lives in, which is an ideal he espouses.

    2. For my three year-old neice who is a total girly girl I saved all my subway swipe cards from living in toronto and I have a model cell phone from when I worked at a cell phone store. I'm going to put these things in a cute little purse so my neice can be just like her mommy with credit cards and a cell phone.

    And what would I like most for christmas (besides a nice, well-endowed guy) a bottle of rye and a carton of smokes! I'm glad Grandma got my name in the gift exchange, this makes it highly probable that I will get what I'm after. (the rye and smokes, not the well-endowed guy....although, grandma does know a lot of people...)

  2. I should have made that dirty. I miss seeing the stars overhead when I'm outside doing it in the country.

    haha take a trip to nb lotsa stars to see out in the country i live in haha :P

    Are you willing to give me the personal tour of the night sky? ;)

  3. So every major gig we have a contest for has more then a pair but for local bands at a local show we draw one pair? Oh well, I'm sure people from Live Nation and other companies spend much more time on this board promoting then NuFunk!

    Will someone get Newrider a beer, he's getting bitter.

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