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Posts posted by bokonon

  1. I am building a web page for a friend of mine (a kickass singer) and am looking for a free hosting site. I was wondering if anyone had tips or suggestions. I am particularly in need of a host that will let me put up mp3's (or do they all do that?) and give a domain or at least a subdomain. I know a little about HTML and CSS, but nothing about getting a site online with a good host.

  2. I vote bokonon's avatar appears on every page and becomes the new logo!

    Glad to hear your day is picking up Mountain man.

    are you kidding me? that avatar drives me crazy in a BAD way. please don't suggest such a thing!

    Thanks MS Hux. Nothing beats enthusiastic expletives! Um, Phorbsie, sorry about driving you nuts. Is there something specific about it, or just a general dislike?

  3. So the thread about good gift ideas got me thinking about my brother and how much of a jerk he is, but how endearing it is.

    So I have a question for everyone: what do you look back on and laugh about, now that it's history.

    Here's mine:

    My favourite toy when I was little (about five or six) was my black cabbage patch kid, whom I called Floyd. My brother Mike used to lynch him from the shower curtain rod, so when I sat down to pee I'd look up and see Floyd hanging right in front of my face.

    My brother is obviously twisted, but really, that's kind of funny.

  4. I like being taken out as a gift. My brother gives me gift certificates to the movies and tells me I have to take him. So we go to the bookstore, get way overpriced fancy coffee (which I love) and look at books together for an hour or two and then go catch a flick. That way I have something to open (the gift certificates, which once were in a shoe box covered in several thousand layers of duct tape, packing tape, reflective tape, etc.)

    I would love to get a reservation confirmation to a hotel and tickets to a concert or other cultural event.

    I would rather get to do something with people than have something. Even just going out for dinner, or ordering in and watching a good movie.

  5. Favourite place: travelling with a good partner, someone who is low maintenance and talkative, who has good taste in music. I just like moving about, seeing new things, meeting new people and having new experiences. If you pay attention you can learn from any situation. As long as I have blankets and a place to sleep, food and coffee for the morning I'm pretty happy.

  6. I often wonder if there are things that are so heinous they cannot be forgiven. I know for myself that this forgiveness would come with a clause that the behaviour be rectified, and that is not really true forgiveness in the Buddhist sense. For example, a man that beat his wife could be forgiven, provided he stopped beating his wife. In the Buddhist, and, I believe, the true Christian sense, this is not true forgiveness as it is conditional.

    I know in my own experience I can forgive people, even those who have hurt me badly. But once again, the behaviour that bothered me had to stop before I could even begin the process of forgiveness. Once I had forgiven those who had hurt me, I gained a greater understanding of my friends and I believe it strenghtened the relationship.

  7. In August i quit a job because of crappy management policies and didn't work for two months! It rocked. I just cut my expenses and spent tons of time with my favourite skanc. It was a great experience that i wouldn't change for the world. I just spent time relaxing. I love getting up at noon, drinking a pot of coffee and reading the paper with a cool person, then spend the rest of the day not being particularly productive but having a lot of fun, then repeating this activity sixty times. Fuck, i'm ready to retire. :P

    Chin up, Sunshine! Use this crisitunity to your advantage, may it be spiritual, occupational or whatever. Cheers!

  8. My sister and I had a guinea pig growing up, abd seven years is nothing, ours lived for twelve. It was the size of a small cat. She had a great personality, too. I have yet to hear about pissy guinea pigs. I also highly recommend them.

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