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Posts posted by bokonon

  1. It's a hard nut to crack.

    And a good part of the reason I am in Okotoks, Alberta (hard to find a bad influence round these parts)

    I was wondering where you were!! I'm glad to hear that you're in a good place, ooh, the positivity of this thread is making me queasy!

    Cheers to you all, I'm just being a jerk about the queasy part.

  2. 1.As long as the tributes that are left are not going to harm the environment (like leaving plastic wrapping behind) or disrupt traffic in any significant way, then I think people should be allowed to express themselves how they see fit. It reminds me of the Ben Harper lyric in his song "Burn One Down"- and if I'm causing no harm it shouldn't bother you!"

    2.The fact that these symbols cause certain emotions in people is not the fault of the person who left them there. Your own negative interpretation of the sites is your own problem to deal with. I hope someone leaves tigerlillies by my favourite tree (which is near a road) when I die. Not to make people sad that I'm gone, but as a symbol of who I was and the things I valued.

    3.The method that other people choose to express their grief is no one's concern but their own, unless they begin to harm others. If I want to go do backflips on my great-grandmothers grave to entertain her spirit then that is my choice, as long as I don't land on anyone else's plot. Other people can choose to watch or not, that's their perrogative.

    4.Not all people are comfortable going to places like churches, synagogues or cemetaries. People should not be limited to performing grieving rites in these locations as it infringes upon basic rights and freedoms inherent in our way of life.

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