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Posts posted by CyberHippie

  1. I'm not a dreamweaver expert, but css-wise here's what you need to do...

    Usually I include a main DIV which is like my main content wrapper. This needs to have a width, so whatever your design dictates, then you set the left and right margins to auto for the centering effect. So like this:

    .layout {

    width: 780px; /* or whatever your width is */

    margin: 0 auto 0 auto; /* top, right, bottom, left */


    That should do the trick... Although sometimes I have to add in "text-align: center;". Then all the other divs will need a text-align: left;.

    Good luck.

  2. That was after the big line-up change. I think Jamie was gone, and they had switched guitarists from the original guy (Andy?) to that big-haired-Vai-influenced guy.

    I think that was Jake Langely who ironically is a fairly well known jazz guitar player... I totally echo the Vai influence though...

  3. Zeitgeist is a great summary of all the details. The majority of the film is a splicing of a bunch other documenties into one easy to digest format. I can post of a list of them if people are interested in seeing more of the source material.

  4. The central american indians would chew on the fresh leaves. This is the purest method, and the effects last a lot longer, although may not be as intense. Smoking it is a bit different.

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