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Everything posted by AD

  1. Hehe. I don't know if he's a cool guy or what. But in your view it's totally inconceivable that can be anything but a deplorable bastard because he threw a CD? Honestly, what about talking shit on the internet about someone based on a vague story about the mumbling vulgarity of a dude outside a bar? I'm not 'tearing you down to build something up' or any of that nonsense. Just seems hypocritical. But anyways, you kicked me off your bus, I'm sad now. And the dude wasn't on stage when he did anything, according to your story, so your 14 years of putting yourself on stage doesn't really do much for your point. AD
  2. Here's hoping you never have a bad night in front of someone with an internet connection.
  3. To add to that, is the award based on character over a 4 hour night at a bar?
  4. I respect you guys, even if most of the time the ranting and raving about only-you-know-what doesn't make sense to me. Doesn't mean I disrespect the Raised By Swans guy either. Not to sound too wishy-washy, but there's lots of room for everyone to like what they like. I'm still gonna be critical of people for liking crap though, as are you I imagine. What else is on this mysterious Chives fellow's list of things?
  5. I was expecting a more elegant explanation and I'm kinda disappointed. I've thrown CDs before!!! What about Ottawa as the new town for music... Lots of good bands from here. 2 London bands on the list at the top... What's going on in London these days? Good bands? Good scene?
  6. Deeps, I like ya for what you contribute and do. But the sentence above confuses the shit outta me. =) AD
  7. Or maybe he found out he got herpes and threw the closest thing to him. You're getting upset something that you heard about 3rd hand through gossip and with no context. What's the greek word for that?
  8. I should add I have no idea why Kung is so angry about this situation. A guy threw a CD on the floor. Another guy is dating a young girl. Beats got 'yelled at'. ???
  9. I like the vast majority of Maffogin's work. I like his band quite a bit as well. AD
  10. I'd also like to point out that both Daiquiri (Mike Hickey) and Fuck the Facts are Ottawa-area bands. Both are terrible, but hey. Ottawa is the new 'it' town for Canadian music AD
  11. dude used to be in Gandharvas who were a great band. saw raised by swans in ottawa a year ago and they frankly did not impress. opening bands blew them off the stage.
  12. my big birthday suprise was running into gary leeman in the iqaluit airport. the leafs alumni are playing the northern RCMP this weekend.
  13. that sounds awesome but i definitely won't make it to that show. i'm up north. i still have a ticket, if anyone wants it (for face value or slightly less) PM me ASAP and I'll set you up with my girlfriend (no not in that way) and she can give you the ticket. i look forward to the next time we can drink draught beer and carouse.
  14. thnaks everyone. in pond inlet right now, gorgeous up here. pretty cold considering i wore shorts in ottawa 4 days ago. birthday dinner last night in iqaluit was arctic char, caribou medallions and 4 molson dry. classy. first air is not a reliable airline. ad
  15. AD

    I'm so excited!

    currently sitting in iqaluit waiting for my flight further north. started the flight yesterday; ever heard this announcement from the cockpit? "hey there" (there were two passengers on the plane) "well i know you've been sitting there for an hour, but we have to turn back immediately. the wings are so iced that we won't be able to land if we keep going. hang on tight, it's gonna get a bit hectic." so that was scary. gonna try it all again this afternoon. beautiful up here. AD
  16. AD


    There is a new Jeff Tweedy solo DVD coming out in the next little while. Can't remember the details, but I almost like his solo shows more than Wilco, so I'll definitely be checking it out.
  17. Wow, SHOCKER, no-one has mentioned Paul Martin.
  18. AD

    I'm so excited!

    High density, high accuracy mapping. I will take as many pictures as I can. And I hope to eat a polar bear with caribou gravy while sitting on a narwhal!
  19. weird venue for this. i'd like to see some more bands play this room. only been there once when it was closed, but it was pretty cool. wonder how it sounds?
  20. DVD doesn't come out til October 31. I can't wait!
  21. Isn't that what we're talking about? I downloaded the live album but have the live vinyl on order, 4 extra tracks. sweet.
  22. I asked Jim James about his voice and vocals at Bonnaroo, he puts so much reverb on his voice for the simple reason that he hates his voice. And you're missing something I think. I have found their live show to be waaaay more than awesome. I've seen them maybe 5 or 6 times now, each time is epic. Although my last Bonnaroo experience with them was less than stellar, only due to my heat exhaustion. The actual show was morethanepic. AD
  23. AD

    I'm so excited!

    I vastly can't afford to go to the places work sends me (but you're completely right!) AD
  24. AD

    I'm so excited!

    If you wanna see where i'm going you might have to righ-click - view image... jambands.ca resizes them. i love work travel, i've been so many places i would never be able to go to otherwise. work sucks when you're there, but the little free time you have is much more appreciated.
  25. wait til you get to the 5th song!! that's the one that moves me the most
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