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Everything posted by AD

  1. iceland air flies from boston, NY, san fran, orlando , minneapolis and baltimore... but i only look at boston because it's closest..
  2. AD

    Domi retires...

    He's replacing the monkey. Gotta save money somewhere.
  3. Please Please Please predict the lottery numbers, I need cash quick......
  4. Iceland Air routinely has great deals if you fly out of Boston... I've been seriously looking into a sidetrip to Iceland on my next trip across the pond. On some flights you don't even get penalised for the extra stop for 2 or 3 days... AD
  5. Yeah.... I don't really want to get more involved in this topic though. Just seems silly after re-reading some of the things written. AD
  6. At least they come out to sit in their lawnchairs. They could be doing that at home and letting the top-notch line-up play in some other city that day. Without the disco after the bands Eugene couldn't afford to book bands at all, so I think we should be happy he still books good bands 6 nights a week usually. Incidently, on September 29 Jetplans of Abraham, the Soft Disaster and Relief Maps are playing at Zaphods. 3 of the best bands in this shitty music town at a shitty music club. But I'll be there and the place will be packed and sold out. 'Obviously'? Lots of regular live music venues that have been around for years..... Zaphods, Capital, Rainbow, Babylon, Barrymore's, NAC Theatres, house shows, Irene's, Nostalgica, Mavericks, SAW... How is a crappy music city getting these top-notch shows? And what shows are you talking about? I've got tickets to at least 4 sellout shows in the next 3 weeks... I'll agree with you on the sports thing, that there is apathy. Hardly the worst town though... But I disagree on the music apathy point... Too bad this discussion is in the sports forum where no-one will take part or read it... AD
  7. i still don't understand... how does Bluesfest relate to Ottawa being a bad music town? or Zaphods? Not trying to pick a fight, I just don't understand your point. The sentence of your last post "Much like having a great hockey team does not make Ottawa a great hockey town, having great music has not made Ottawa a great music town" made some sense, but then the examples got me more confused.
  8. I don't understand. My Dad vs. Yours The Acorn Jetplanes of Abraham Million Dollar Marxists Acres Relief Maps Soft Disaster Hilotrons Ottawa will blow up in the next year I predict. Unless you were being clever and agreeing with him and disagreeing while introducing a new variable... I dunno. Ottawa is a great music town. AD
  9. Ian Mendes' commentary from Sportsnet... Mendes, you may be right, but get the fuck out of Ottawa. I hope Spartacat eats you. Some facts about Ian Mendes: - birthplace: Mississauga, Ontario - after graduating Carleton with a B.J. in '98, Mendes went to work for the Ottawa Lynx public relations office. - At about the same time, attendance at Ottawa Lynx games nose-dived - suited up as "Lenny the Lynx", Ottawa's least favourite mascot on 2 occasions
  10. AD

    US/Canada FENCE?

    I meant we already had a pile of garbage on the shoreline, only it was a lot wider than 20 m.
  11. In case you were wondering, Photogeeks info is from the Ontario Ministry of Labour... http://www.labour.gov.on.ca/english/es/factsheets/fs_faq.html ad
  12. that sounds awesome you lucky dog. Bouche, can you get me a press pass to this and a fully furnished flight / accomodation package pretty please?
  13. AD

    US/Canada FENCE?

    The GTA is a bit wider than 20 metres...
  14. i can't remember the last time ZeroLukeKung published his writing on this site. Pretty much guaranteed to get a discussion out of it, unlike a static publication like Exclaim.
  15. AD

    upgrade news

    thumbs down to orange. no icons to give a real thumbs down.
  16. Books about Phish and Jam Bands! Jammy and non-jammy cds for everyone! Trey, Beasties, Beck, BNB, Cash, Luke Doucet (people here seem to like him...) Drums and Tuba, Galactic, Garcia, Mike Gordon, Gourds, Mule, Ben Harper, Warren, Jane's, John Butler, Jomomma, MMW EPs, moe., Stanton Moore, Other Ones, Maceo, Parliament, Phish Phish Phish, Pork Tornado, Scofield, Strangefolk, SCI, Panic.... AMONG OTHERS!!! BUY BUY BUY!!
  17. I'd like to sample Kellie's balloons.... er... I'm cheering for the cheerleaders. Until I wise up. I'm actually cheering for the Coalminer. I was cheering for Sa-eed and Bilal until they got sent home
  18. they're playing the Pop Montreal Festival the first week of October.
  19. Lose the sandwich and I'm convinced! (I don't know who that is)
  20. AD

    US/Canada FENCE?

    they could always fill the continent-wide 10-metre gap with condos....
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