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Everything posted by AD

  1. It's slightly edgy, it's clever, it's memorable. All the things that make up a good name for a band, brand, etc. Schwa, do you like their music?
  2. Great name, decent enough songs, great live band.
  3. Somerset is closed between Bronson and Cambridge til the end of July. That might have something to do with it. Also Lyon is being repaved and drivers can't go fast or normal speed right now without destroying their cars.
  4. Good idea Bartlett, but Maiden doesn't come around these parts.
  5. The dulcet tones of Iron Maiden may be only metres away, but have no fear. Kelp Records is ready to rock. Enjoy 3 hours of Ottawa's finest, capped with a special "Kelp Records Revue" featuring the Flaps and Empiricals backing Kelp Records' favorites such as Rolf Klausener (The Acorn), Jim Bryson, Flecton Big Sky, and more. Should be a terrific night. Like the Skydiggers VS Kiss, our PA may be smaller, but we will power through! 8:00 - 8:25 - Andrew Vincent 8:30 – 8:55 - Chris Page 9:05 - 9:35 - Rhume 9:50 -10:30 - The Flaps vs The Empiricals 10:30 -10:55 - The Kelp Records Revue Limited edition woodcut posters made by SEAN STARWARS on billboard paper, each one with a unique look, will be available at Bluesfest.
  6. Well, after 5 phone calls and lots of emails, the problem has been solved. Something to do with a Rogers cache not being cleared somewhere along the way from somewhere to my modem.
  7. I think I just heard you volunteer...
  8. Denis Armstrong is reporting a Led Zeppelin reunion with Hendrix on drums, for free in the Market.
  9. Just be aware you can get stuck out by the 401 using Priceline
  10. I'd steer clear of the Confederation Place hotel - stayed there a few years ago, was dirty, stuff didn't work, stains everywhere, noisy.... Yeah.
  11. By the 'expertise aside' part of my comment I think it's clear that sure, maybe the guy knows the technical stuff you wrote about. But, how a steel inspector in Norway knows about the HR practices and employee rolls of a rig in the Gulf, how much he knows about the expertise of the workers on that rig, etc, those comments make him ignorant of what happened on that rig. For sure there were engineers, medics, pilots, hydrologists, drillers, cooks, office workers, janitors, etc etc etc that worked on that rig. And regardless of the workers' social status, job title, recidivism rate or whatever, 11 of them died. 15 kids lost a parent. So whatever, the guy made some remarks that might have been relevant to the technical side of things. But to slag the workers that were caught in an unfortunate situation out of their control, yeah, he's an asshole for saying that.
  12. If that's a typo, well fucking done Zero's fingers. Perfect.
  13. I got a sweet sunburn.
  14. I think the first article posted is an editorial; I critique stories differently depending on the viewpoint of the writer, as I believe most people do. If the facts are there and are proven and are strong, why the need to attack people based on their name, why the need for snide comments? It might be journalism, but it's amateur hour. Oil spill = bad. BP's stuff regarding Arctic Canada drilling = bad. The writing in that first article = bad. That sums up what I think. I don't know what you're talking about in most of your post so I'll stop there.
  15. Do you think the article you posted is 'journalism?'
  16. Sounds like it's just Kingston that's dealing with issues right now. Kingston is a disgusting and rough city to begin with, this is really a bad scene for sure. I never want to go back to Jamaica. Hated it there.
  17. Besides the inflammatory article posted above, any real journalistic stories that you've found about the drilling in Canada's North? Here's a story from Canwest: http://www.vancouversun.com/news/spill+Arctic+might+intractable+Canada+head+says/3026897/story.html Here's Reuters: http://ca.reuters.com/article/domesticNews/idCATRE64C4V620100513 I'm sure there are many more, you just gotta look for them.
  18. Your friend sounds like a wee bit of an asshole, expertise aside.
  19. My formatting was much prettier http://www.jambands.ca/sanctuary/showtopic.php?tid/256901
  20. I tried to go see them over the weekend at Terminal 5 but tickets were impossible to acquire.
  21. Just the ones who have lived in the States for 2 years No
  22. Since he writes in a paper I just want his batting average to be respectable. What other writers do you immediately dismiss?
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