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Posts posted by scottieking

  1. I am positive it was only one and it was at setbreak because

    a) it happened right beside my original seats

    B) I was down hanging out with Tungsten (before I knew you) and Sean when it happened

    c) as was I for the Gin

    d) your memory may be impaired because if I remember correctly that wasn't booze you got for free in the parking lot

    e) when I got back to my seats, Tamasi was like "DUDE, you totally missed some guy falling right beside us"

    No recollection of the second faller.

  2. Recently, I've come to take stock in the amount of music I procure a week.

    I average about 5 new records a week, not counting shows and miscellany.

    So the two part question of the day is:

    1) How much new music are you grabbing a week?

    2) And, is it broadening your horizons and enriching your music tastes or is it watering down the amount of quality time that you should be spending per recording in order to absorb the album's potential hidden potential?

    Personally, I think it has alot to do with how much time I can spend on listening per week. In the short term I feel like I am gaining so much and really digging into tons of unexplored musical territory but what happens to the same disc 3 months later? 6 months? I think it's great in the short run but hurting me in the long run.

    I also suppose alot of this revolves around HOW you procure said music.

    Anyway, lots here. Now back to exam supervision (I can smell the fear from here)

  3. I'm on listen 4 currently.

    Listen 1: Stoned. Last night. Home.

    Listen 2: Car ride to work this morning.

    Listen 3 : History Office, cranked to annoy adjacent English/Home Ec office.


    1. As far as a follow-up goes, they've passed the first hurdle, which is not completely sucking (see new Bloc Party for details. TERRIBLE!)

    2. Funeral is not just an album but a phemoneon. You can't surpass it (see in the same category OK Computer)

    3. The album itself lacks the fullness that we came to know from the last album. And no, trying to replace it with a huge fucking organ isn't going to have the same effects.

    4. The lyrics and theme of the whole album is really beginning to unfold for me. I suspect that it is a concept album about the antichrist and the death of religion. From that aspect I think they are still bang on.

    5. Every time a song gains momentum, it cuts off. Violently.

    6. That being said, gone too are the multi-part, switch the beat, start slow finish fast style I came to love. As well, lots and lots of "classic" 50/60's drum beats makes me think about dancing, but the lack of edge stops me from losing control.

    7. Régine Chassagne's solo singing bugs me most of the time . Sorry.

    8. Overall, I think I'll listen to this often, but no way is it destined to become the soundtrack of life in anyway (which currently seems rotate between the Hold Steady and Yo La Tengo)

    9. I can't stress enough how bad the new Bloc Party is.

  4. Something tells me I don't even need to read this to know that its ridiculous...so I won't.

    Afro poppa, knowing that you are a standup individual and somewhat invested in this topic through faith etc., I hope you do not take this as a personal slight.

    However, it is actually this sort of thinking (and the subsequant post further railing against an article you didn't read) that really gets my goat. I really try to impart upon every student I have the need to fully engage points of view of "the other side" as horrific or wrong as it may be. THEN rail, rant, [color:red]and most importantly disprove using fact and not simply opinion.

    I watch Fox News periodically for this very reason.

    Read it, then diss it on specific points.

  5. AFC NE vs IND

    Two words. Bill. Belichick.

    followed by two more words. Peyton.Chokes.

    But it'll be close. Right where Belichick likes it.

    NE 24 Ind 21.

    NFC Da Bears vs New Orleans

    Cinderella over for the Saints. It's a nice story but they are a dome team heading into Soldier Field with weather that's probably going to look alot like yours, a green squad and facing the best defense in the NFL left. Probably will be entertaining cause the low score will mean its anyone's game. But Chicago D will not make mistakes when the chips are down.

    Chi 13 NO 10

  6. While I mourn the death of Brave New Waves, I gotta say, the old guy almost never got a chance to listen to it anymore.

    That being said, it was always my late night companion on some late nights on the road and she'll be missed. This may indeed be a statement on the state of where its audience went. The CBC Radio 3 podcast listeners went from 1 million last year at this time to 4 million just recently. Not the same, but it gets good stuff in my ears.

  7. Not a bad little Saturday morning listen.

    A little stumbling and slow in the beginning but hang in, the real genius lies between roughly about 29:00 to this tight little spot around 42:00

    Jesus, if they had released 41:-47:00 as a single jam , as stated before made THIS Undermind, it would have changed everything. But the drug use. If fact, never mind. Maybe it was good thing.

  8. Wow. I think Guigsy nailed lock, stock and barrel. That being said, I could not haved asked for a more soul reviving experience. I am filled to the brim. Thanks to everyone who asked how Diane is doing. Night 1 was a little rough for her but we were joking that night 2 was so good it had healing powers. It certainly had unbelievable energy!

    I know that this show had to be just as incredible for the band. Thank-you to Nero for working so hard. It honestly sounded like you had taken two years off....to practice!

    Thanks also to all our hosts this weekend. Great to catch up. Special thanks to all native Otowners, I love to see you folks that take such good care of Sunshine. Hope to be back up sooner than later.

  9. Welcome. I'm sure StoneMtn would have introduced me to you, if only he recongnized me ;)

    Man. I'm mad I didn't get to meet him either. Guigsy was going to point him out after setbreak, and then my "medication" kicked in, and then the sun was coming up.

    Anyway, welcome to the board. Rule 23. Use [color:purple]purple font when you are being sarcastic.

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