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Posts posted by scottieking

  1. I was sitting in my living room with a motley crew of characters that include Rabidmonkey (org. Nero bass player) Dr Giggles, Beats and others?? and they suggested a good way to keep up on things was to join this forum. I already belonged to the Phish Tape Traders Forum and had made the acquitance over there of such fine pholks as AD, Northern Wish, Mark Tonin. MarcO and others (anybody got a screen shot of the old board?)

    And to top things off, my first post is the creation of the now infamous 5 disc rotation. From icebreaker to board mainstay, I love you all and will see most of you very, very soon. Here's the post


    "Hey all, Scottieking here,

    I've got to say, this board has some definite potential to further expand our Canadian head community. To whomever runs the site, keep up the good work cause I know it's hardwork. I've been doing this online thing on again off again since '98 and have been a phan for waaay longer and felt since I intend to be using this board a little more often (once again thanks to Ottawa lads down last weekend for bringin me on, Saturday afternoon just won't be the same) I'd let you cats who don't know me from the Canadian Tape Traders Board what I'm about.

    The reason I love these things is that it serves as such a potential positive force for all who choose to get involved. Sure, opinions are great and need to be expressed but play nice, don't give in to bias, and try to hear the other side. I guess that's the teacher in me talkin. I guess I'm just trying to feel out if this is a place where this is going to be accepted or mocked. I know that it's the coolest feeling to finally meet somebody at a show that you've been trading or just hangin with online. Guys like Mark Tonin or MarcO who I've only known in cyberspace that have suddenly popped to life at shows BLAM instant friendships. I know I'm rambling (could be the drugs) but wouldn't you rather start it off with "Great to meet you" instead of a "Oh YOUR ________ who called me a ______" Ah well, food for thought.

    Hey, if you made it this far, congrats and thank-you. Anyway, here's a good one for discussion always. Top 5 things in Permanent Rotation on your stereo

    1. New Deal - new album, too good

    2. Tom Waits - Rain Dogs - found it at Music World for $5.99 - classic

    3. SCI - 3/10/01 - mmmm, soundboard

    4. Sloan - Pretty Together - sucker for a good harmony

    5. Rheostatics - Night of the Shooting Stars - their latest and IMO one of their finest

    Dig it. Discuss it. If I could too at this moment put out a request for anyone who has a nice copy of A)MMW - Toronto Jazz Fest

    B)Trey Band - Deer Creek/01

    please email or otherwise

    Great to be here. Thanks for reading.



    look how nice Booche is to me at first....

  2. NPR's All Things Considered is an awesome source for exposure to new tunes state side.

    My suggestion is to go to Itunes podcast section and browse around. There are tons of hobby related, genre specific sites.

    I listen to comic creators, CBC Ideas, NHL podcasts, and even a Lost podcast. Something for everyone.

  3. Okay folks, it’s that time of year. Man this was hard, but if you are a music junkie like me, it’s fun. Take your time, you’ve got a week and a half. Can’t wait to read everyone’s picks.

    My Top Ten Albums of the Year

    1. Band of Horses - Everything All in Time

    2. The Hold Steady - Boys and Girls of America

    3. Tom Waits - Orphans

    4. The Stills - Without Feathers

    5. Built To Spill - You In Reverse

    6. Surprise Me Mr Davis - Only in Montreal

    7. My Morning Jacket - Okonokos

    8. Cold War Kids - Robbers and Cowards

    9. Beck - The Information

    10. The Walkmen - Hundred Miles Off

    Honorable Mentions -

    Sufjan Stevens - The Avalanche, Easy Star All Stars- Radiodread, The Slip - Eisnehower, Tragically Hip -World Container,

    The Strokes - First Impressions of Earth, The Old Soul - The Old Soul, Racounters - Broken Toy Soldiers Thom Yorke - The Eraser

    Album I should have picked up last year that became my favorite this year

    Elliot Brood - Ambassador

    Singles of the Year - Free Radical - The Flaming Lips

    Multiply - Jamie Lidell

    Move By Yourself - Donovan Frankenreiter

    Best Reissue Discovery - Paul Pena - New Train

    Album I never got that everyone loves -TV on the Radio - Return to Cookie Mountain

  4. I was sure you were going to say that you used to be a woman' date=' SK[/quote']

    Well, he didn't say that he didn't used to be a woman, did he? I think his lack of denial makes it true.

    Nice logic. Now picture me as a woman (the elf thing at the top should help).

    Now take it back. Or keep picturing me as a woman if it helps you make it through night or as the case may be morning your time.

  5. If its due to the info on wiki not matching the mugshot' date=' lets remember wiki is the most inaccurate place to get information on the web.[/quote']

    That's not true actually. A year or so ago, an independant study revealed that wikipedia was at least as accurate as the print version of Encyclopedia Britannica.

    Willy, if you could provide said study, that would be key. There is a huge debate in academic circles right now. I personally will not allow Wikipedia to be used for citation purposes, simply because of the instant malleability of it ie you could become the current King of Spain, should I wish it.

  6. That's it so far for Season One. It has been picked up for this season. I think it's doing superheroes in just the right way. Deconstructionist and written by a comic book writer (Jeph Loeb), it is must see TV.

  7. I'll step up to the plate and defend Rob here.

    Solid guy, heart of gold, needs an editor (hey, something you have in common ;) ) deserves better than this slanderous rant. PM him if it's such a problem.

    Edit: I just noticed the compliment you paid him at the end. That was nice.

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