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Posts posted by scottieking

  1. I think it happened today. This morning. Driving to work with the knowledge that I had indeed reached the point of my life were I have bought into it all (the car, the house, the "wife", the socially responsibile job), and therefore, sold out. At no time can I sanely pull out. The inner bandito is gone and any attempts I make to tap into the madness and ride the snake are mere insults to the magic hat that I used to so proudly sport.

    Man, I wonder if my students know I'm having a small nervous breakdown at my desk here.

  2. Union? Man, I really, really think this should be renamed the state of the empire address. If you read into what GWB is saying, he's not talking to Joe Nebraska, he's laying it down for the whole of the world. "Iran, I'm looking at you Iran!"

    2006 elections down there are going to be interesting.

  3. From the Jomomma thread:

    "i totally support all people out there makiong music, but if you're going to put yourself out there, ypou should be prepared for negative feedback. for every one person who like your band there are thousands who don't." DJED

    The same, it would seem, goes for opinions.

    Everyone on this board at one period or another has drawn fire or given it. DJED was/is a heavy hitter, but as some of our past champions know, hit smarter, not harder or eventually the fire's is going to get heavy.

  4. Flipping back and forth between:

    Freakonomics: A Rogue Economist Explores the Hidden Side of Everything -Steven Levitt (Author), Stephen J. Dubner


    Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking -

    Malcolm Gladwell

    Both of which are really really good nonfiction and so far, highly recommendable.

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