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Posts posted by scottieking

  1. Booche, if you were standing, hiding, even, waiting to throw eggs at an OC Transpo bus, and one pulled up, in a perfect position to receive an overhand ova or two, and the door opened, and it was Salma Hayak driving...would the Leafs still suck?



    Brad. Day offically made. Thank-you.

  2. I think this is a great piece. It's nice to see my sentiments from my 70 Volt Parade experience so articulately put. I don't think there are any insults presay. Shainhouse is right. It is hard to give negative comments in way that is not harsh (as an evaluator, I empathize with this) Good read.

  3. ahh, that means that it's Tungsten and myself's anniversary as well (love you snookims). That was a great birthday show! I was dating a girl named Jennifer at the time and when I heard that song I too knew it was fate. The relationship lasted as long as it did on the Phish playlist.

    PS moeron, I believe our 6 year meeting anniversary is coming up on New Year's, non? Time, she flies.

  4. Thank-you everyone for the kind wishes. A bit different kind of birthday this year with the new house (anyone remember when I used to live out of a backpack?) and not so much debauchery. Saving it all up for later in the month (or Friday if you are going to Iron and Wine)

    Thanks again you crazy skanks.

  5. I love the fact that Martin dropped a very important word into the mix last night.


    Now I know that the Conservatives are not all Neo-cons, but I think that this could be the master-stroke (thank-you Scott Reid) that could keep Harper and the Alberta Gang out of power. If they can remotely be successful in painting the Cons with the same brush as the Republicians state-side, game over.

    By the way, from a speaking writing angle, I thought that Harper's "fire in the restaurant" quip was brilliant as well.

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