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Posts posted by scottieking

  1. Or ruthlessly (pa)troll the internet looking for victims.

    I actually tuned in Global on my car radio and listened to it on the way home tonight. It made for pretty gripping radio drama. How'd Cindy look under the waterfall? I had hilarious mental pictures when Rafe was getting "touchy feely"

  2. Hey SK,

    the Leafs suck.

    Now let's not generalize, only Berg, Klee, Belfour (50% of the time), Antropov, Allison, and Quinn truly suck. Enjoy the success while it lasts. Hasek's due for a groin pull anytime now.

    PS You want somma this. You come get it.

  3. After the last time we visited, I'm glad we walked!!!!!

    Your youth/danger/pot thing reminded me of a faulty logic exercise I use with my students

    Love is Blind

    God is Love

    Stevie Wonder is blind


    Stevie Wonder is God

    And yes, you scare me but in all the right ways. The question is, will I drive home from your place next time we hang? (guess it depends on the blonde ;) )

  4. Wow, this has been the one to watch all day, hasn't it? It's funny because first I saw a TV ad with a pack of rolling papers telling a guy not to drive. Then I saw the pilots ad. And then this thread. It has really forced me to think about the issue.

    There have been times when I should not have smoked and drove. I can think of more than one roadtrip to T.O. for a show where I was merging onto the 427 with a sense of dread because sober it feels like bad video game. Stoned, fagetaboutit.

    I will come forward and bravely admit that I'm one of the "better only have two beers tonight because I drove" crowd. I'm also a smoke and drive guy. But only after it's been awhile. I think you can be too high to drive. But I also think that as the years roll on (pun intended) I do not smoke as much or as hard everytime I do. And if I'm kickin in up a notch, then I'm not driving.

    I think however that the campaign is already a success if it forces one to comfort this issue, one way or the other.

    It is also a GREAT sign that this beloved herb is finally socially acceptable enough to admit you've done it that evening.

    Kudos as well to Roller, Tube and MarcO for keepin in check and apologizing for overstepping.

  5. The Go! Team - Thunder, Lightning, Faster

    Wilco - Kicking Television

    Sigur Ros - The First One (you spell it!)

    Breaksatra - Roll With It (???I think this is the new one)

    BNB - Fredricton - last spring

    Man I am Mr Specific this morning!

  6. I agree that turning all suicide bombers into heroes is not prudent but I'm not entirely convinced that all intentions fall under the blanket of radical insecurity. I read a book called Jihad vs McWorld, and in it, one of the assertions of author is that the fight is not just religious but a struggle to perserve traditional Arab (or Persian) culture from Westernization. Radical perhaps but who are we to say that if similiar values and institutions were threatened in such a violent way here (and I mean war, not the cultural diffusion we experience today) that these so called radical acts would come forward.

    Can you tell I have extra time on my prep today????

  7. I love Vonnegut and one of his great abilities is humanization of most of his characters. Most won't agree with the defense of terrorists but one of the major things I try to get across in the history classroom is empathy. If you were born here and this happened, what would you be like, what would it feel like..etc. About the only part of that statement I don't understand is the equation of suicide bombers to Harry Truman.

  8. I managed to snag the whole Island Tour from Live Phish *cough* pirated *cough* Nonetheless, I only had 4/2/05 and 4/3/05, on tape at that. Just fackin outstanding set 2 on this 4/4/98. That Brother is got to be a top 3 for me for that tune. All the jams are waaaay out there.

    I swear by the time I run out of ways for this band to impress me (and those who know me, know I've taken a couple of hundred runs at it) I will be old enough to remember I've heard it before and the cycle will begin anew!!!!!!!

  9. Before you knock the video - you can do video out to the TV... which means if I could find somewhere to buy the cords, and figure out how to get it on my IPOD, I could take Phil @ Vegas with me and show people elsewhere.... in that regard I think the video will come in handy..

    I can probably take any DVD from someone's home too and bring it home then watch it... new way to borrow stuff.

    Is this true????? This may be my tipping point!

  10. And hires Raymond Weber, close personal friend of Tony Hall and fellow New Orleans musician. IMO, this step is bold mid-tour but further reinerates what I said in my Buffalo review. Skeeto was not a good fit and simply too uni-dimensional.

  11. Settle down......

    I'm just excited cause when he played that the other night, I was signing the horns to my girlfriend - Sort of like the way I used to do it from Suzy Greenburg (AD, Northern Wish, Tungsten, anyone remember that phase?)

    Did anyone just catch that speech????

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