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Posts posted by scottieking

  1. Bravo Shredder for an intelligent explaination of why you are parcipating in the electoral process. I too struggle with federalism, but at the end of the day when it comes down to it, I cannot in good conscience open the door to allow a party into power that will reverse any of the social progress we've made as a nation. Do not be fooled. The conservatives are a values based party. Many of their supporters will see this election as a signal to push their regressive ways back into the Canadian consciousness.

    Interesting as well your response in regards to what you were doing today. How's a Conservative government going to treat the pot smokers of Canada?

    Truly, you have made some extremely vaild points. And at the end of the day, it's sounds like you want a Conservative minority, which is fine with me as its powers will be restriced. My fear is that this need for "cleaning up" the bureaucracy will lead to what happened in Ontario, a Conservative Majority, so full of itself and its master plan that it truly separated itself from the voice of the people , laid out laws with almost a complete disregard for the common good and the social contract, and in the end, left its citizens worse off than when they were found. My fear is 8 eights of conservative government and it may begin in less than 2 weeks time.

  2. I still don't get King Crimson.

    I was a little late to the party on Tom Waits. I didn't really discover him until about 5 years ago. I just knew he was the "I don't want to grow up" A teacher I worked with lent me Rain Dogs and Nighthawks at the Diner and from there it was love and muchos respect.

  3. Score at the half:

    Jack Layton: Suffering from the "look at me, look at me" syndrome. I can't see him as prime ministrial until he shaves the mustache. Then he would look like Patrick Stewart and that I can get behind.

    Giles Duceppe: What's the Bloc Platform again? Separation? Right. Next.

    Paul Martin: Jesus, he looks punch-drunk. Sputtering and stuttering his way to a loss. Fact: Paul Martin is not the philosopher king I so desperately crave.

    Stephen Harper: Somebody been coaching this guy. He's rocking back and forth like Stevie Wonder. He can barely stay in frame. Still, looking like the best option for a leader for the majority of Canadians. Just not me.

    Fuck I would love someone to grow a pair of balls and call a spade a spade. Aren't these guys media savy enough to know that Canadians aren't watching anyway? You are going to get a minority government no matter what. Say something wacky, say something off script. GIVE ME DRAMA!!!!!!!!

    Note: the following comments were meant in jest. All serious political opinions can and will be expressed after the submission of a written request. This means you.

  4. Interesting you say that Tooly. That's exactly why I bought it. I own the tapes (worn through and through), I've burned so many Phish shows (shameful, lots of the "released" SBD) and for once, I thought I'd treat myself to the prestine pure unadulterated joy of one of my top 5 shows from this band.

    It is that good.

  5. I dunno. There's just something about his style and gall and forthrightness that is everything I want in a politician.

    Too bad he's playing for the wrong team.

    Duceppe is to Canadian politics as Hasek is to Team Canada.


    To all of these things, I agree. Let's celebrate our impass with some sort of rye whiskey. New Year's perhaps? 6 year anniversary of the voyage of the Great Starship Harpua?

  6. My problem with the Bloc as a national party is I can't respect anyone with such a limited platform (not just the Bloc; Marijuana, Natural Law, Christian Reform). AD, elected he may be, and I will give him the same props as you for this brilliant political move.

    But to what end, federally? I flirt with regionalism at times but in my heart I am a federalist. If he truly wanted his end goal, truly believed in his cause, then he would have stepped down, led the PQ, and fired up the referendum. Instead he continues this parliamentary cock-block to effective governence. I repeat, besides representing the disenfranchaisment of his province, what good does this party hold for any Canadian or really to a Quebecker? No real change.

  7. I'm loving Duceppe as a politician right now. Not for what he stands for with regard to separation, but he's very good with his words and reasoning. (Minus the gay rights / referendum thingy)


    He's smooth, but he can afford to be. There is no downside, no consequences to his actions save for a provincal/nationalist agenda. Duceppe and the Bloc don't want the job. I want to start a party called the "I don't really want to lead the country and its citizens, I just to be able to criticize the party's that are trying to do so" When has the Bloc tabled one piece of legislation that has brought about a better way of life for Quebecois or anyone? Good speaker, yes. Beat Martin, probably. Unfair advantage, absolutely.

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