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Posts posted by Schwa.

  1. nothing is for sure people just some opportunities in other cities is all.

    i stress that nothing is for sure. if any of you know me and my horrible luck with jobs, i should be staying put right here.

    ...and Lex, not to exclude you, but i kinda just met you about a month or two ago (see list ;) )

  2. Hey everyone, I just wanted to let you all know that yesterday was my 1 year anniversary of moving to KW.

    I honestly feel like i have known you all my entire life although it has been merely a year for some and even less for most. You welcomed me with open arms into your group(s) of friends and for that I am forever thankful. The friendships i have made here will last a lifetime as well as the friends of the friends of the friends. What a whirlwind year it has been....6 jobs, 900 shows, 3 places of residence, 2 cars, and countless good times with great people.

    So here's to you:

    My Dearest Simone




    Ian Puppe











    Ian and Penny

    Willy and Leanne (honourary)




    Doug and all the Deisel Dog boys







    Snore and Monica (wicked people :) )

    Missy 1&2

    ...and LEX! (hehe)

    ...now enough of this F U C K I N sappy sh!t, when the hell are we all goin to Phils?

  3. vixen here,

    Alan - sorry- it has been a while! Ottawa is a nice place to be- i love it up there! i'll definately tell Jen you say 'hello' - she just got back from a cruise in Europe- yeah, she sucks, eh? well, nice to know that you're on here! take it easy,


  4. Vixen here again- ok , i lied...it's not the last post! i forgot to say a special thank you to Keri for playing our many requests at the dance party..including my favorite...'push it'! HA!

    Becky- i am so incredibly proud of you and Marie fro bringing out our 'catwalk' move emerging from the lake! next time, i'll make us cat suits/wet suits to make it even more vixen-like!

  5. Vixen here again...ok i swear,only one more thread with Schwaa's avatar!! What a fun night!- i want to do it all over again.,...but i guess that would be a little selfish! he he! it was such an honour to be invited and be a part of such a unique and beautiful occasion. It was definately the most magical wedding i've ever been to. The two of you guys really do exude true love - congrats! thanks to everybody for such a great night- lots of good talks with good people!

    luv, vixen

  6. helllooo..this is Vixen. i know, i know, be a good girlfriend and get my own freakin password..! Great pics - i think i've looked at them 5000 X 10 to the exponential of 50 by now...but fun to yet again see them up on

    "the" website! thanks so much Miranda for all of the hard work that you do! I appreciate it soo much when i can show others what a great time i had at CFMT!

    Adam - ha ha! of course i rememger you! WHat a small world indeed. i thought this sort of thing only happenned in stratty?!!! do you make it to any shows?!

    Wook 18 - that was the most romantic night of my life. although, sometimes when the moon caught the beautiful glare off of your silk prom dress, ..i was a little turned off. but, i especilally like how one of your boobs is 3 inches higher than the other- nobody's perfect.

    The pics of blair and Mudd's capture priceless moments from that night! good call on the black and white Jabbi! and giver girls- FINALLY a nice picture of the gals!


    Hello Reginald!

  7. In case any of you were unaware, Babsy Mudcock and Mudsy Babsybox are tying the knot this saturday (Blair and Christie (Mudd))

    These are two of the most genuinely cool people i have ever had the pleasure of being friends with and want to spread the joy that i know they are feeling this weekend.

    So Congrats Blair and Mud, i'll be the one in the seats at your wedding with the smile so big it'll blind yas! :: ::

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