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Posts posted by Schwa.

  1. WE GOT A WINNER! KERI for PRESIDENT. that is the single most embarassing moment of my entire life, glad you were there to keep on reminding me bacon. although if it weren't you it would be the entire room full of people that were also there to witness my least sneaky maneuver ever.....and then i went in the fuggin washroom to eat it because Kelsey came up to me and said something....hilarious. what a little whiskey'll make ya do eh? and the piece de resistance you ask? i topped the whole night off by taking all of his foosballs home. yikes!

  2. thats the spirit people. Becky, you're disqualified for being nice.

    keri, thats frigging hilarious. i need ya by my side to give me the old 'shut the hell up' nudge. you can actually hear my loud ass on one of the Hookah Magic Bag shows we attended years back.

    ....and marco, stop being so friggin nice. Sheesh.

    I like the crap chunk one. simple yet mean.

  3. ya i remember that. reekie was supposed to stay sober and ended up getting blotto. you saved us and i hung out the window asking passers-by if 'this road goes to Canada?'

    i also remember getting out to pee and having to chase you guys half way to the border.

    thats one you pansies!

  4. bring it fu©cker.

    i feel like the only one around here to be left out, so get creative, i have lots of flaws.

    here is some fodder:

    i'm overweight

    i've lost several jobs

    i still get zits

    i like drugs

    i like dreads

    i like to like

    my finger is really fu**ed since the ole rope swing thing

    my car leaks

    my hair is curly

    ....and the list goes on and on.

    so feel free, be funny and have fun on me. i know that none of you would say these things to my face cuz if you did, i'd fart on you (another flaw)

  5. hey all, i've heard through the grapevine that there was some hullabaloo around these here parts lately.

    now don't go gettin all cranky, i'm not trying to dig up a dead deal, just want you all to go see the lunar eclipse tonight. its the last time until 2010 you'll get to see one of these babies.

    ...and the Fatties/DD show on the 30th should be fun. anyone goin to that?

  6. i think weirdness was taping.

    there was a medicated also in there, and a little something in the middle of condor that i didn't recognize.

    perhaps a mikomard too, not sure.

    where were the hamiltonians indeed. kudos to seeing paisley and esau there. great to see you again greg its been too long.

  7. Meander-y. nice word :)

    sorry Guigsy, that looks like a q when its lower case.

    I think Mr M made a good point, and a pertinent one for me and this band. I do like many of their songs but the edge isn't there. That cutting improv that makes bands like that stand out because lets face it, there are hundreds. There is a certain honesty in their music, a point that many of you made here, but the same can be said about bands like Spearhead, SKB or Ben Harper....three very different bands. This quality comes through, in my opinion, when the band truly knows and respects each other and most importantly is having fun.

    I am going to be at the show in Hamilton to give these fellas another try because all bands are better live. There is more than just the music at shows, there's atmosphere. There's a connection between the band and the audience that you can't get from a CDr. I know this and so haven't written the band off yet....yet.

    See you all there, i'm sure.

  8. i dont care if you dont like it, if you cant admit that these guys are serious players, than, well, i really dont know what to say, this whole thing is beyond pointless.

    This was never about me not admitting their musicianship. Granted they are great musicians, how could so many people whose opinions i trust be wrong. It was me trying to understand the incredible popularity of a band that is equal to sooooo many other bands is style, quality and ability. why do they stand out? questions HAVE been answered, and new ones have been raised.

    This thread is the perfect example of what music discussion is all about if i do say so myself.

    Don't let your emotions catch on to this ride Quigs, just wanted to talk about music today.

    thank you all.

  9. don't get me wrong, i'm all for the mellow tunes/mellow bands.

    I even don't mind the slip when i'm chillin, messin around on this computer-ma-thingy. but to have people put members of this band into the 'supergroup' category....i'm sorry but no.

    i do agree that music need not be crazy to be intense. citing SKB (aside from that crazy mofo Rodney Holmes) there is serious intensity in their music, particularly their slow stuff, My Favourite Things comes to mind.

    just to cover any more 'you don't get it' remarks lets try to stick to the tangible.

  10. its become a bit of task for me. to understand the appeal of such a boring sounding band. I'm listening to the 9-14-2004 show you recommended Disc 2 Track 1 and the singer's voice is atrocious, very offkey.

    I realize that i don't have to 'get it', i'm no novice. Just trying to get a handle on why there is as much hype as there is.

    Lets try this, tell me what you like about the slip. Not just you Quigsy, everyone, cause i know there are about 50 hard core slip fans around here (if the bandwagon speeds up hold on tight, we wouldn't want you to fall off) OK, sorry for the sarcasm, really, tell me what you like about The Slip.


  11. I have a serious problem with the hype these guys are getting. They put me to sleep in a big way, phuckin yawnsville people. I got a show offa backbacon years ago and was not impressed....then i went to Frontier a year or so back and the hype that surrounded them was ridiculous in relation to the show i saw (very mellow and anti-climactic) . no problem, i usually always give my 'musically educated' friends the benefit of the doubt and very often give music second and third chances to see if i might someday 'get it', god knows i've been through the same thing a hundred times trying to convey Phish's brilliance to the common folk.

    This takes us to Detroit where i saw the Slip play with STS9. BOOoooo. Very boring show to say the least....BUT, i'm still not through giving these guys their due....i'm thinkin how can so many people like this band SOOOOOO MUCH, to the point that they practically come up in every damn thread on this board regardless of the topic (insert rolleyes here)

    So, i DL a show of theirs from 2003, not sure of the date but if anyone would like i can find the it if necessary -> didn't like it.

    Earlier today i saw a post from Quigsy in the BT forum so i decide that they warrant yet another try (for crying out loud)

    Geezus Murphy people, what the hell do you see in this band that i am missing??!!??!!

    They're boring!

    thank you and goodnight.


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