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Posts posted by Schwa.

  1. hard for me to say at this point Mark. I have taken many a weekend off from the beer store this summer and my boss is pretty fed up with me. he pretty much approached me and made sure i was going to get at least one long weekend of work in this year. i'll see though, TBS is only open until 5 on sundays ;)

  2. well, it far exceded my expectations. g love was great and can see why he's got so many fans in the U.S.....love the hip hop jam meld.

    security was lame, we actually got asked to sit at a show. when i refused i was threatened with expulsion so i told the dude off and went to the lawn where i was found by dean (friend of zephyr and andy with the great eats from canada day ctmf) and he led simone and i to them and we proceded to have a great time.

    jack played all the favourites and the all the ladies were singing in full force (over the music...to be expected i guess)

    overall, probably not worth 50 bucks....but maybe it was.

    fun times had by all :)

  3. only chicks and gay dudes like Jack Johnson.

    (just joking....sorta)

    thats it you back to school special ! i'm sickin the instagator on your ass now ::

    i'm going and can't wait to finally see this dude. he's chill, but thats usually the vibe from all of his shows, so just don't go expecting a rave and you're fine.

    ps - g love is pretty damn good too. never seen'm but have two shows and they're both toe-tappinly cool sh!t.

  4. Simone selling beer on the second day of Coventry wearing an emerald prom dress.

    Either that or the drunk as fu©k schwilly kids driving that ATV throught the campground running over everybody's stuff and nearly getting the sh!t beat out of em by about 25 people.

    Either that or the H-O-R-R-I-B-L-E rendition of Glide at Coventry. Among so many gems comes one of my favourite phish songs of all time.....and they fu©kin butcher it :(

    Wait, i know what it is....

    there was this fella at Spring Hookahville during the Bruce Hornsby set that was meanering throught the crowd and talking to the sun, clearly tripping and having a blast. Later that evening the clouds break from a minor rain storm and we are waiting on the grass for Hookah's set to begin. The sun comes out and he turns to the sky and bellows something quite loudly, runs down the slope of the grass and trys to slide on the wet grass on his feet. Well its hard to picture, but his front sliding foot catches something in the grass and he folds at the waist and hits his head on his knee and falls to the ground. He calmly sits up in the grass, lights a smoke, takes a puff or two and lays back. The whole crowd is watching and thinks he's ok and pays no more mind....only he doesn't get up. 20 minutes later he got carried away on a stretcher by the first aid folks.....crazy.

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