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Posts posted by Schwa.

  1. hey all. i'm looking to save a bit of scratch and need a roomate so i can get out of this overprices sardine can i'm currently living in.

    if you or anyone you know are looking for the same let me know.

    if there are vitals that shouldn't be public (names, phone numbers) just Private Message me with the deets.

    thanks ya'll.

  2. a couple meet and fall madly in love. they head to las vegas to elope and on the way the woman decides she is going to tell the groom a confession. "Honey" she says, "i just wanted to tell you that this is a padded bra and that i'm flat as could be."

    "that's ok honey" says the man, "i love you for who you are"

    So the man decides he should tell the woman his big secret too.

    "actually honey, i'm hung like a newborn baby." but the woman tells the man that she also loves him for who he is and not his manly charms.

    So after the wedding the new couple heads back to their hotel room to consumate the marriage and have sex for the first time.

    The woman takes off her blouse and sure enough, she's flat as a board. THen the man takes off his pants, the woman takes on look at him and faints! The man brings the woman to and she says to him "i thought you said you were hung like a newborn baby???" and he replies, "Ya, 8 pounds, 7 ounces"

    Congrats Kuips.

  3. i saw both trey and mike riding in a golf cart together, booking it too i might add. zealots in hot pursuit.

    i had too much fun at this thing to even begin to tell stories. i love mud.

    a true test of the human spirit, i was honoured to bear witness to it saturday morning on Airport Rd. kudos all.

  4. "well, after much postering, I think I might have a heady ride leaving sometime tomorrow... waiting on a call... and I will be meeting Jeff at 12am on friday.. hope to see you all there."

    Right on buddy, post office at midnight!

  5. Initially i was pumped to meet up with everyone and party at coventry, but it has begun to stress me out because of the sheer volume of people that want to meet so this is my plan.

    Due to some amazingly wicked circumstances, we will be in the VIP camping area (yes, i'm bragging) I will be meeting some friends from Chatham at the Coventry Post Office at midnight on Friday -> we will likely try to sneak them into the VIP area or if that doesn't work, we will probably go back to our site and grab as much beer as possible and go back to their site with them. they should have a site that is pretty close to the stage because they are leaving Wednesday......sooooo, if anyone out there would like to hook up with Simone, Chewy, Myself, Marie and her posse and about 6 Chathamites please go to the Coventry Post Office at midnight on Friday.

    Tigger this includes you and Greg and his posse. We could all meet at this one location and have a discussion as to who has the most centrally located site and we could possibly all disperse to grab our party supplies and meet there for an all night rager!

    Hope this plan works out for all who want to meet up. I figure midnight is a good time because it will allow all who have to wait in the giant line to get into the venue and get set up and ready for the night with a bit of relax time in there too.

    PS - If you do plan on going and meeting there (invite open to ALL Skanks of course) please try to be on time. i know this is a lot to ask of a bunch of hippies but we probably won't wait around for very long...probably about a half hour.

    I hope to see as many of you there as possible, this will be a time in our lives that we won't soon forget.

    Don't let your meat loaf,


  6. hey all, Chewie and myself are scheduled to leave KW around 8am on Friday morning for the trek to Coventry. We are crossing at Buffalo to avoid all the heat at the border so if there are any of you that would like to caravan down together (groove fetish i'm looking in your direction) let me know, the more the merrier.

    PM me if you're interested.

  7. i think that comment is bunk zero. either you like something or you don't. to intellectualize a band and say that you are superior to other because you 'get it' is just as stupid and the dumb-asses you say don't.

    Grateful Dead and Phish are as big as they are because a lot of people actually like them and their sound. i admit there is some 'getting it' to phish, but not much.

    i'm just getting defensive because i condider myself to be pretty music savy, but don't like the slip one bit. does this make me less smart than you? probably.

    ps - one drop kick to the chest for you fu©ker

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