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Posts posted by Schwa.

  1. Bullocks. Bush's brother was the Governor of the State at the time. He's republican. In order for him to be elected, there must have been a republican majority.

    i'm sure there are poor people everywhere that hate Bush, specificly in Iraq. That doesn't make them democratic, just smart.

  2. Jet diverted after Cat Stevens found on watch list

    WASHINGTON (AP) — A plane bound for Washington from London was diverted to Maine on Tuesday after passenger Yusuf Islam — formerly known as pop singer Cat Stevens — showed up on a U.S. watch list, a federal official said.

    Yusuf Islam, formerly known as pop artist Cat Stevens, was aboard United Airlines Flight 919.

    By Kevin Anderson, AP/The Kansas City Star

    United Airlines Flight 919 had already taken off from London en route to Dulles International Airport when the match was made between the passenger and the watch list, said Nico Melendez, a spokesman for the Transportation Security Administration. (Related story: Government to order airlines to turn over passenger data)

    The plane was met by federal agents at Maine's Bangor International Airport around 3 p.m., Melendez said.

    Federal officials, speaking on condition of anonymity, identified the individual as Islam.

    One official said Islam, 56, was identified by the Advanced Passenger Information System, which requires airlines to send passenger information to U.S. Customs and Border Protection's National Targeting Center. TSA was then contacted and requested that the plane land at the nearest airport, the official said.

    "He was interviewed and denied admission to the United States on national security grounds," said Homeland Security spokesman Dennis Murphy. He said the man would be put on the first available flight out of the country Wednesday.

    Islam, who was born Stephen Georgiou, took Cat Stevens as a stage name and had a string of hits in the 1960s and '70s, including "Wild World" and "Morning Has Broken." Last year he released two songs, including a re-recording of his '70s hit "Peace Train," to express his opposition to the U.S.-led war in Iraq.

    He abandoned his music career in the late 1970s and changed his name after being persuaded by orthodox Muslim teachers that his lifestyle was forbidden by Islamic law. He later became a teacher and an advocate for his religion, founding a Muslim school in London in 1983.

    Islam recently condemned the school seizure by militants in Beslan, Russia, earlier this month that left more than 300 dead, nearly half of them children.

    In a statement on his Web site, he wrote, "Crimes against innocent bystanders taken hostage in any circumstance have no foundation whatsoever in the life of Islam and the model example of Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him."

  3. I have the attention span of a 6 year old. not exactly but mostly pertaining to my not-so professional life. i'm willing to work hard for what i want, but only for a short time. I get very very bored with my work very quickly and always feel the need to move to the next one, perhaps that is why at age 29 i have had 34 jobs and not been fired from a single one. This situation then compounds itself and reminds me that for someone to have this many jobs and not find a single one that made them happy is not good. I have absolutely no idea what i want to do with the rest of my life, none. So i think, what makes me happy? i really don't know. I'm confident that an opportunity will cross my path some day but until then, i will just take my place in the ant parade and exist until that day.

    Oh, and i also phuckin hate spiders. I worked at a summer camp as a teen and would bring 2-3 cans of raid every week i went out and kill every last spider in our breezway between to adjoining cabins (hibby jibbies coursing through me body right now)

    Got any room in that van of yours Jared?

  4. Whose got my Deisel??????

    I once saw The Slip and STS9 play together in Detroit at St. Andrew's Hall. I was unentertained by both although my state of mind that night was not at all what it should have been. The 'Hall' was about 120 degrees that night too which made dancin' just dumb.

    As far as the lurkers go, i just think that they either sit back, read and then criticize OR like MK, just have nothing to say ;)

    Speak up fockers!

  5. i'm with you babsy...you turned to me and mentioned it (rawhide) and i heard hints of it i think

    sweet show, loved the encore fellas.....ROCK OUT!

    great to see you before you headed on your way, bitch about the trailer but meh, what can you do. give mudsy babsybox a big hug for me and happy trails :)

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