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Everything posted by geomouse

  1. Thanks goin out to those who made the show at the Nutty Parrot. This being a 'very' new venture for the trio, I must say, we as a band felt right at home. The ambient is very nice and we had a chance to entertain a few local downtown Cambridge resisents with some country/punk/psyche fusion ... better known amongst the mice a 'CUNK' 'sfunny, when you relay that term to some individuals as a genre you get the eyebrow lift, too good I'm doing what I can to get the owners to pump up the venue and attract other acts. This place could work for many of the jambanders. A bit of a hole in the wall and not well advertised anywhere but that seems to be what mice are used to. From the street you can barely tell there's an occupant but inside the room opens up to fresh paint and decor,high ceilings,room to dance and of course a long bar for the libatin. The patio consists of three (maybe four?) concrete steps outside the front door where patrons can and do literally spill onto the sidewalk. We had the great (mis)fortune at 'smoke break' of a sidelong glance at one fella horizontally ejecting himself from the venue. He cleared the three or four steps and rung his bell with an audible 'bong' off the lampost directly outside. I'm calling out to all that can make the next date this Friday night at 10.
  2. Sorry to hear of your loss, Mark. If your family bonds are even half as strong as the friends you have here then you'll be well supported this weekend. Wish the family well from the entire mouse family. g
  3. Wow, certainly a variety of vocations here. Personally, I'm a licensed plumber with 15 years in the construction industry. Most recently I have set up safe drinking water programs for the city of Guelph and Kitchener, concurrently pissing off most of the managerial staff with my unsolicited advice on how things should be done. Ultimately having myself 'let go',(to put it in the palm-olive, Madge). Anyone know of a municipal water system that needs to be auditted? The big machine has managed to create quite a monster underground for the existing population to repair. I would have thought these issues were more important to the directors of said municipalities. Other than that I do lots of renovation type plumbing projects (no job too small) and make as much music with good friends as committments will allow.
  4. Not aaaallllll 'Dead covers. Gonna bake up some Neil, some Van, The Band, Billy Preston, S&G, rub in some traditionals and lightly batter with originals. Sounds like a tasty jam huh?
  5. 80.6% but I'm not sure if I would have done better or worse without the cats stepping all over the keyboard in an attempt to attack the strange noises coming out of the speaker system. Thanks for the test. That was kinda cool to guage the radar...
  6. [The Navy said it patrols known pirate areas and would intervene on the high seas in answer to a distress call. But the Navy is not permitted to take on pirates inside national waters, where many attacks are made.] "Fire one across their scurvy-loosed jaws for christ sake Thomas, before they find their pants!"
  7. Hey flag Dr Evil on this one...I know he's hosting something resembling music once a week
  8. just now 80 percent recovered form a mousepad party on Sat... and I left at midnight! Hope everyone else is relatively clear headed now as well. Thanks to Ricky for sitting in with Tim on the kit. Dual drummers always has a way of funkifying the most subtle tunes. And thanks to our relentless hostess as well for ensuring everyone was well fed in body and spirit. We're looking forward to a fine show at the Nutty on Friday. If you can't make it out to this one we will return on the following Fri. (Nov 24) with the possibility of Ricky occupying the 'best seat in the house' Hope to see you there...
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