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Everything posted by geomouse

  1. If the thunder don't call it then the lightnin' will! This is some of the worst news/rumour I've hoped to dispell for some time! Even from as far as Southampton, I felt the shock waves before the actual event. SAY IT AIN'T SO! If there's any possibilty of another venue I would be down in the rear. It would only confirm my fears. The Boathouse is a great place, a town hall of sorts and has been for so many over the last couple of years. A shooting star really...my heaviest vibrations go to Kevin and all the staff at the BoHo...gaah!
  2. Here's a few from the Beaver Valley over the Thanksgiving weekend...
  3. This would make an awesome bday gifty for myself ...
  4. Hey everyone, I'm thankfull for all you cats, the music you keep alive, my little family around me today and every day, the larger family I'm lucky to be a part of, to be alive and well in this world...despite all the sham and drudgery it's a beautiful place, and I continue to go placidly amid the noise and haste... cheers freaks
  5. Hey Scull, May you continue to hit the pocket deep and fast...and no that's a reference for you CJ
  6. Sounds like an amazing time! Thanks so much for the relation, Schwa. Your words are more than enough to fill in any lack of pictures. I think you may have convinced many Jambanders to make the trip! ttys g
  7. Thanks a heap AMan! that was a great night for me and good to shoot the shit about more of lesser things...heading over to archive right now for the download!
  8. Hey there Doctor, I thought you were the inside track on this one with the latest research paper? I'm still waiting for my copy for review. All the mice were kinda wondering when the walls in the maze were going to shift...
  9. Hey there Timouse!! A most Happy Birthday to you! Looking forward to many more celebrations with you and niffermouse. Distance could never keep us apart for long! geomouse
  10. Yer Pa may like some Lyle Lovett if he's into the sound/era. Randy Newman may appeal as well.
  11. These fairies you speak of... are they of the mystical wood-sprite variety' date=' or the homosexual variety? I imagine the pixies could use their magical powers to transport cars over the water, but it would probably take a whole team of gay men to carry a car while swimming across the strait. [/quote'] Hey that's grand. Didn't even realize the typo. Latency? Perhaps... for now we'll call the big one the Fairy and the little one the Pixie...neither carry much magic
  12. Most definitely! We had a blast in June with your great smile shining! More good times are in our future...I can see it in the stars g
  13. fwiw the FREE fairy from Kingston to the island runs every hour or hour and a half or so and it will carry your car. The small fairy from Cape Vincent N.Y. only carries about ten cars and costs around 10-15 bucks US
  14. we are talking about players that rarely take a solo and make their living as servants to the groove... Agreed on that point. Pete Townsend is one of my all time pics for overall rythym but I'd exclude him for this list being the only guitar player in the band. Dave Kennedy from Rose Garland is worth an honourable mention Malcolm Young is in there as well
  15. I don't disagree about it being a large part of the industrialized network/culture. Some people just choose not to utilize this tool. I don't believe it has revolutionized social networking to the degree you indicate. What value is their in having countless cyber 'friends'? I need some help moving in a couple of weeks. I wonder how many plastic pop-up friends I can get to come lift some shit...
  16. mmmcheese...I'd be chewing through the cork. But seriously just ask the guy 'what the fuck'? only more in a polite kinda way.
  17. Have a great Bday Bouche. And more kudos to you for running the big machine. Jambands.ca is the shiznit! geo
  18. Facebook WILL undoubtedly be phased out by a newer version of itself. That just seems inevitable. Your iphone is connected to your facebook. Your facebook is connected to your headbone, your headbone is connected to your ego...and so on and so on and so on...I'm not in it, on it or anywhere around it
  19. man this situation could get nasty for a lot of good people in the valley. Come on rainmakers! Shake yer thang!
  20. "Rain rain don't go away Just move yer ass the Slocan way"
  21. Imagine having to do a 360 wave to everyone within site as you get in your car twice a day? This is my friend's situation in one of our 'planned communities' near K-Town. He said he just waves now, he used to make eye contact with as many as possible.
  22. I've stayed with family and friends downtown on more than one occasion and when out in the neighbourhoods I feel comfortable and easily able to interact socially. The same for any club experiences. Having someone dismiss me after weakly sparking conversation on the street or at a show, in any town any size, doesn't surprise me. Usually half my humour is wasted. In T.O. half is wasted, some more is drowned out and the rest probably just isn't funny. If I was looking for a date, though I wouldn't know where to begin.
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