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Everything posted by geomouse

  1. "...just the worst day you've had...so far." (Homer Simpson)
  2. Guess I'm thinking that limited distributions would make a difference. Nuff said then. Free music for everyone I say! But when I hear tunes like I'll Get to You, Wish You Well and Ontario, I hear innovation. Jam isn't dead, it's just resting, really.
  3. Deisel Dog's set would be worth the trip. WHy they don't have a main stage slot is beyond me. Their new disc is some of the most diverse and refreshing music I've heard in the last long while. I've played it for as many people as a could, from all different musical backgrounds and the reviews are always the some..."Wow those guys are good. What's the name again? Can you burn me a copy?" and so on. Not to worry dogs....I send them to the website, get them to buy one of their own original copies or download a live show from the archive.org site. IMHO these guys are one of our communities best composers and performers.
  4. What a great time. I was laughing out loud through the whole movie. Kids were transfixed as well. I didnt even get asked for a trip to the snackbar at any point and my wallet thanked me on the way out. The Frederick twin is running it in Ktown for 6 buck ticket anytime - kids under 12 4.75. best movie deal in town. One loose end for me though...anyone know what happened to 'Spiderpig'? I'm assuming he was eaten during the Springfield meltdown days.
  5. I'm taking my kids and a couple of nephews out to see this tonight. While I'm not the sort of fan that can quote long streams of dialogue from the show, I think that my crew is going to make the whole trip a blast.
  6. What a doll! Welcome to parenthood, you guys. All the best from K-town. I always use this chance to pull out a quote from a old bugger I know. "Enjoy them every moment when they're tiny because you will know them longer as an adult than you ever will as children."
  7. Sorry for the delay. Been listening to the kids play, among other shit. Soon enough I'm going to find myself harbouring some neo-grunge band. So, new theme is... Song about or mentioning farming...please, I have not had a chance to shceck the theme list! 1. Neil - Field of Opportunity
  8. #231 Songs Not for kids only. 1. Bob Marley- 3 Little Birds. 2. M.S.I. (More Stupid Initials) - Teddy Bears' Picnic (Believe me when I tell you that this version is barely for kids, to say the least.) 3. The Beatles - All Together Now 4. The Muppets - Movin' Right Along 5. Woody Guthrie - This Land Is Your Land 6. They Might Be Giants - D & W 7. Phish-Contact 8. Bob Dylan - You Ain't Goin' Nowhere 9. Rheostatics - Monkeybird 10. The Police - De Do Do Do De Da Da Da 11. The Beatles - Yellow Submarine *** 12. Sharon Lois and Bramm - Skin-a my rinky dinky dink
  9. Looking forward to tonight fer sure. 'sgonna be a great show!
  10. Take another hit of the pinot CJ
  11. You know I love this neighbourhood we live in. But I share that feeling, Bouche. I'm going to do my best not to let that feeling intensify after this.
  12. Thanks CJ. I'm going to use "The Secret" vibes directly for this one. Anyone know how to channel?
  13. Great job on the recon guys. You are getting every penny of value out of that inspection as well. Keep your chins up and the posts too
  14. Thanks again for the support. I'm slowly simmering down from the rapid boil. Still gets me though. Fuck.
  15. 'Fresh Baked Freds' has a sort of catch. or how 'bout 'Marley's Bakery'
  16. Thanks. I'll be doing a pawn shop tour to search and spread the word fer sure. Gawd, I'm still pissed!
  17. Hey everyone...bad news. House was broken into today and a bunch of stuff was stolen including my 60 anniversary Strat and the case. Case is a tell tale head's case with dancing bears and such stuck on it. The Strat is off-white with solid maple neck and the diamond insignia on the headstock and on the bak at the neck bolts...'course the receipt was in the case with the serial number... Fuck. Also every game system and game we owned, all the jewellery, of which some was very valuable and some was junk but hard to tell the difference really. What a fucking waste. If you see or hear any of this in the Kdub area pleeease let me know... cheers
  18. Hey Duane, sorry I missed this thread earlier, man...welcome to the latter half of living. Two years until you get the answer to "life, the universe and everything!" Cheers and hope to see you out at the Walper for a bit tonight, huh? g
  19. Nice pics Studog! Sounds like y'all had a great time. Looking forward to an archive post g
  20. that's hard to nail down with so many to choose. I do like M.C. Escher as a fav artist though. Trouble is he didn't do many paintings, mostly lithograph and woodcut but the images are tantalizing, fun and inspiring for me.
  21. Hands down ( and up! ) the scullies are infectious. an experience every time we get together.
  22. Things are definitley getting in order for this event. I'm really looking forward to it! BTW Tim, that new avatar is so appropriate! I remember sitting in that chair at Bouche's place watching Marcel play the electric piano with his right hand and the other draped rather casually over the top of it with a beer slowly tipping further and further to the spill point. Then he got up and walked a few circles around the room looking for an empty seat. There were none readlily avaialble. He asked me why I was just sitting around and why don't I play some piano? I knew this was an attempt to steal my seat. So I did get up and go to the can when, just as I latched the door, I heard a crash! and roars of laughter.
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