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Everything posted by TheSloth

  1. Richmond Road and Woodroffe KFC4Life.
  2. Yeah I wasn't sure if he got a step or not (rushing off to the replay now) but superstars can dance in the NBA, Patrick Ewing would pretty much just walk up to the basket and put it down. Terry was fucking asleep on that play. Either way that was simply great.
  3. That was cuh-razy. Tell me you didn't change the channel after the Heat were up by 15 with 6 minutes left in the 4th Thorgnor because I almost did. I was going to watch one more possession which I pretty much assumed was going to be a Heat stop followed by Wade dunk because that's all that was happening up to that point. Biggest comeback I've ever seen in a NBA finals. Dirk was so clutch and schooling Bosh for winner was awesome (though Bosh should have gotten help).
  4. I talked Mel into watching the game and she bitched the entire time that it was boring and after they scored I said, "What?! I never hear you bitch about a late goal 1-0 soccer game" and she replied "But soccer is beautiful" (keep in mind she's only seen Arsenal play so she's spoiled ). I looked at her blankly and said I was grabbing another beer but inside I was super proud. Game 2 will be better.
  5. Hey someone got bit last night. Shouldn't Booche (and whoever the fuck else lost it when Sharko went off) be tear soaked and enraged about the atrocity that just took place? Last nights game was not great viewing IMO. I was praying it wouldn't go into overtime.
  6. I'd love to see how the Heat handle all the expectation and pressure if Dallas somehow manages to hold serve and pushes it to 7. Just to see the look on their collective faces if the Mavs win game 6. It would make it almost worth it. In reality the Heat will probably win 4-1, with Dallas taking game 3.
  7. The refs haven't ruined too much of these playoffs for me. They've perpetrated bigger crimes in the past. That said, I'm not sure how this Heat team will affect the league. Short term will definitely show a boost in the ratings. Super teams in LA and NY are a foregone conclusion. That will help ratings as well. The NBA got by on just Boston and LA forever before the subsequent dynasties/mini dynasties from Detroit, Chicago, Houston, San Antonio and LA. Maybe they'll thrive. Having 4 good teams and a bunch of crap works for the English Premiere League. And really, isn't it about time the Raptors got relegated. For me personally, I think it stinks but I'm unsure how it'll affect a league that fuels itself on star power. I guess there's no point in panicking until the Mavs lose at home. There's still hope yet.
  8. Yeah I want the Mavs to take it as well but Jesus Christ have you been watching these playoffs? Once Miami figured out Kidd can't drive off the pick and roll and there was no need to double team, it was pretty much done. It doesn't matter what takes place the first 3, this current Heat team is one of the best 4th Quarter playoff teams I've ever seen. They break your will. Too much talent, the half court defense is just amazing. I don't even think there's been a game where all three of them have shot well. Chicago series was all Bosh and James, Wade was off (shoulder maybe?). I can't even imagine what would happen if they all had a good shooting night. That being said, the Mavs shot the ball terribly. Dirk didn't get hot and Terry and Barea were ineffective. Stojakovic was a liabillity. Hopefully they shoot the lights out in game 2.
  9. Whitey, this should help with the closure.
  10. Yeah, quite the coach and quite the run he had. I'll try not to kick you while you're down. Very interested to see where he ends up. Who's coaching Notre Dame these days? If there were only a German word to describe how I'm feeling.
  11. Yeah, Barca whipped MU. I never saw/heard the stats on possession (the bar was crowded with many large, faux hawk'd, drunken russian wedding goers blocking portions of the big screen) but I wouldn't be surprised if it was something insane like 70/30. It sure seemed like it.
  12. Check out what Gordon Gee had for breakfast. Way to fall on your sword Tressel and take it for a school whose basketball program is more corrupt than your football program. Too little, too late? Hopefully.
  13. Yeah, I'm sure they all do it but it's always fun when it happens to one of the "Big Brothers of the Rich". The pay for play thing I think is just the BigTen sabre rattling at the NCAA but it could get interesting.
  14. Now it's a pile on. Unsurprisingly, now that their flagship team has shown itself to be nothing more than a cheat(not that I care, I assumed Auburn cheated and I cheered for them last year), and well on their way to vacating wins and bowl bans, they suddenly come up with a pay for play plan and are going to try and get it in a year before the other conferences could even react. The BigTen is cesspool, not so much all the schools, more so the powers that be.
  15. Lebron is a fucking beast. I've been loving the whole Heat as villains thing, it's made these playoffs interesting for me. I've been hating on them all season but Lebron is just too much. He shut Rose, the supposed far quicker man, the fuck down in the 4th last night. Rose couldn't handle it. That's a forward on the premiere point guard in the league. His defense is amazing right now. Toss in his nonchalant aggression to the rim as he takes knock after knock but still finishes and it's just too much. He generates so much contact. He's also great at the line. And he shoots pretty well from all over. Looking forward to Mavs vs Heat. Quite the rematch.
  16. Dany 'greatest Sens player ever' Heatley Pfffffft' date=' hardly...... [img']http://cdn0.sbnation.com/photo_images/2577111/81390_Canadiens_Bruins_Hockey.jpg
  17. I've heard rumblings about the NHL wanting a piece of the KHL, Ottawa to Novosibirsk. You heard it here first kids.
  18. Jesus, sorry was on vacation and haven't been online all week, totally snoozed on this... Van - 5* SJ - 6 Phi - 7 Was - 7
  19. Fucking sick, just found out about this now. Hmmmmmm, get tickets in advance or try and wait it out and get something cheap. Im thinking scalp. What are you thining of doing Sean? (keeping in mind I still don't think there will be a season)
  20. Groan. This last month and a half has been pretty rough. I still hadn't recoverd from the 12th minute of injury time goal.
  21. Had to watch the game with my girlfriend's father while he talked shit about a)the Habs b)that he was on vacation and leaving for Florida the next day. All I could do was drink his most expensive scotch and tell him it was good but not great.
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