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Everything posted by TheSloth

  1. Im assuming we're still going to the Penguins on Boxing Day. Ollie, if I can somehow rearange something for tomorrow night and can convince someone to drive out I'd love the tickets. I'll try and speak up by 10am tomorrow, by all means dump them though because I'm not sure I can work it out.
  2. That's hilarious. Don't have time to run through the site now but I will in a bit. edit: Okay Booche, I couldnt resist, I created an account under your name and I was ready to roll but the online editor doesn't let you upload jpgs or anything so there's nothing I can really do, there's a downloadable template (I think) but I'm not getting into that. Boourns on the online editor.
  3. Hell no, first fourth line is fine, any line with Alfie gets a pass.
  4. TheSloth


    He's extra sick in NHL11. Him and Chara, they're carrying my team.
  5. The fourth fourth line? Or were you asking which god Bucky is because that's a pretty deep and heavy question.
  6. Bucky is a god. It was all the fourth line's fault.
  7. Sean, at what point in the game did you know your ticket was toilet paper? 1st Quarter? That wasn't a great game but it was a great whipping. Rex Ryan's expression was hilarious a couple of times.
  8. The tides have turned motherfuckers! The Sens scored three times for Bucky last game as opposed to shooting blanks for Elliott in his last start. Three times! Sure it was just one guy scoring three times but still, it's a team effort. The players have spoken, Clouston must accept the signs, Bucky has been crowned king. All Bucky all the fucking time and if he ends up letting in a half dozen we blame the 3rd and 4th liners.
  9. Wow Nebraska, way to let the doorknob hit you square in the ass on your way out the door. Now pack for your bags for the Big Ten and go become Iowa because if you thought being overshadowed by Texas was bad wait until you get a load of OSUs constistency.
  10. That's got to be quite the fucking story if it ends with you deciding to go with Bucky twice and Patty once. That's some deluded Sens fandom, atta boy.
  11. What a comeback. That was Auburn's big hurdle, they should be able to handle SC in the SEC championship and then off to the national championship. Hopefully Oregon shits the bed.
  12. Alabama is fucking destroying them. 21-0 1st quarter.
  13. For those of you that don't follow college ball that closely and may not be aware there are some amazing match ups happening today including the game of year (IMO, depends which conference you're into I guess) starting right now.......I've already started boozing.
  14. Price's save percentage for November is 0.951. If I put up numbers like that I'd celebrate with a mound of blow and some underage chicks.
  15. Wow did the Pats ever feed it to them in the 4th. Still fun watch for the most part.
  16. Detroit is giving the Patriots a run for their money. (Thank you Veetle for letting me enjoy the game from my desk)
  17. At least the nightmare start of the Leaves is over and reality has set in.
  18. Habs are causing me a lot of pain so far.
  19. Bucky showed up two games in a row though. Im fairly certain the rest of the league is starting to tremble in fear.
  20. Was just coming here to post a similar article.
  21. Well you'll be cleaing the spunk off your tv for days to come then, Vick is lighting it up.
  22. Ollie, you've got to dig deep and really get behind the Eagles, just for tonight, it's the Redskins only chance.
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