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Everything posted by TheSloth

  1. Way to ruin the fun Booche (but yeah, that was insanely out of context)
  2. This just in, Halak's better than Roy. Confirmed.
  3. I think the thing we should focus on in the Arsenal vs Fulham match is the fact Ollie came out and said he's a bit of a Fulham fan so they're doomed. Sure Tottenham has had their best finish yet but that's simply because they've learned to play with the burden of Ollie's fandom. Simply put, they'll finish fourth despite Ollie's existence. Fulham on the other hand, well they're only begining to grasp and deal with the Ollie stink. Arsenal 2 - Fulham 0
  4. Yeah but imagine if Staal was playing, it could have easily been 2 to -1.
  5. No I agree. He'd be my first pick (even over Ovie who I enjoy more). He does throw fits though.
  6. That's pretty sweet fucking analysis you've got going there as well bud, who said no other player has ever thrown a hissy fit, he was just illustrating that moment. (it's lunch, I just want to argue)
  7. Sorry if this has already been posted but I noticed it just came up on Ween's board. See you all then. Show listing
  8. Sean, I'll be dumping a bunch as I only plan on attending 6 nights. I'll hopefully be posting the extra's tonight.
  9. I actually never intended to imply that at all, I just came in here to say that was a fucking brutal play.
  10. I came in here to bad mouth Stevie G, leaving satisfied. (but really Chelsea or ManU, who gives a fuck, I guess I hate Chelsea slightly more but even then Im not sure about that)
  11. Almost as sharp as you are when it comes the nhl's "brightest star".
  12. Wow, you're just starting to notice it now or are you just starting to give a crap because he's playing your team? Welcome to four years ago dumb ass (still love you)
  13. I'm still picking all the series (wasn't even near a computer for most of yesterday) Philly in 7 Pitt in 6 Det in 6 Chi in 7
  14. Okay, I remember that series now, Jose between the pipes. That was pretty great.
  15. Didnt they get swept in the 2nd round in 2003-2004 (TB?), though I do agree winning the first round is something and I'd like to see Ottawa do it sooner rather than later, christ I'm still happy the Sens pushed the Pens to 6.
  16. Jesus, that one really must have stung Kev, I almost feel sorry for saying it...almost
  17. Crazy win. I'm glad the Caps scored that goal so all of your sphincters would clench a little tighter. Where's Price playing next year?
  18. Rolling back your pc can sometimes be a real quick fix for the various fake virus protection malware progs out there. programs->accessories->system tools->system restore (just pick a date before the problem cropped up)
  19. Sadly I missed the game, very disappointed.
  20. Yeah I agree, what it boils down to is they just lost, no bullshit, they just lost but they didn't lie down when they could have in game 5 and they made of game of it in game 6. Go Caps go I guess.
  21. Boooourns! Just mapquested it, way to far for me to ever get too.
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